How To Defeat The Grim Reapers In Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered

How To Defeat The Grim Reapers In Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered
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In the universe of Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered, it seems like it isn’t enough with one Grim Reaper. There are three of them, and they are sisters to each other. Garcia and Johnson will have to deal with these sisters individually, at different points in the story.


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We have gathered them all in only one guide because these are pretty similar battles, especially the first two. So we will make this guide more comfortable for you and give some general tips for every Grim Sister boss fight. Be ready and don’t forget: don’t fear the reaper.

How To Defeat Maras Grim (First Sister Grim)

A closeshot of the first reaper saying, "Get out of my way...".

This will be the basic template for the battles against the Grim Reapers. Maras will be floating around at different heights and vanishing every few seconds. After she comes back, an attack is usually expected.

For example, she can throw projectiles in the shape of scythes, in a straight horizontal line or a couple that tracks you from the sides. You can either use the pillars in the arena as cover or roll away from them right before they touch you.

The small detail against this and the next sister is that you can’t attack them directly. They are completely wrapped in Darkness, so your shots don’t have any effect.

Maras standing still for a second, glowing orange, while Garcia is running through the Darkness.

For Maras, you have to wait for her to perform a scythe move that will summon Darkness into the whole arena. Now, you’ll see that their body is glowing orange — quickly shoot a Light Shot and their weak point will be spotted.

Shooting her the Light Shot can be a bit tricky because she will move around. Try to be fast, because after a few seconds, she will attack you with a melee move.

If you break her red sphere quickly, Maras will vanish, appear on another side of the arena, and summon Darkness again. Simply repeat the process four times and the battle will be over.

How To Defeat Kauline Grim (Second Sister Grim)

Kauline standing around while Garcia slowly moves to his left.

The battle against the second Sister Grim will be pretty similar to the previous one — she will throw spectral scythes at you as her main attack, even in the same two ways, and you’ll have to wait for her to summon Darkness.

The main difference has to do with what happens when you enter the Darkness. Instead of being face-to-face with her, you’ll notice there are three Kaulines now — one original and two copies, and the three of them will be glowing orange.

What you have to do is shoot a Light Shot at the one that also has her chest red. This will leave the real Kauline vulnerable and ready to receive your heavy artillery. But be fast to find the real boss, because after a few seconds, she will quickly move towards you, ready to attack you with her scythe.

Just like in the previous encounter, if you deal enough damage to the weak spot to break it, Kauline won’t make new attacks before summoning the Darkness again.

Three copies of Kauline, looking at Garcia, while the arena is wrapped in Darkness.

As you make progress throughout the battle, the only thing that will change is that the boss will make more copies of herself. When her life is low and ready for the final shots, she will surround you in a circle with dozens of copies. Discover the right one, break her core, and you’ll be done with the fight.

If you’re too slow to localize the real Reaper, you can wait for her to move close to you, ready to attack, and shoot your Light Shot before that happens — the only issue is that she will attack pretty fast, so you won’t have much time to react.

How To Defeat Giltine Grim (Third Sister Grim)

Garcia and Johnson speaking about the new reaper, who has just entered the arena and is standing still in the air.

The last Sister is, naturally, the strongest one, and the one with a more complex fight. First of all, the arena is huge this time, and you’ll have plenty of space to move around.

As usual, there will be ammo boxes in the arena, but they will be in the corners of it, so you’ll have to run for a while. Beware of the boss’ attacks while you look for bullets.

Giltine will summon three regular enemies wrapped in Darkness. You can decide to defeat them quickly or just run away and try to ignore them, focusing on the boss here. As they are the weakest enemies, they won’t be a relevant threat, but keep in mind that they can still be troublesome and catch you off-guard.

A group of scythes doing a circle above the boss, ready to strike you.

This sister will also attack using her scythes, but her attacks are bigger. She can throw two big copies of her weapon, which will roll towards you, one at a time. If you see Giltine sending them in the air, the scythes will duplicate and fly in a circular motion. After a few seconds, they will come towards you.

The best way to evade these projectiles is to run away from the multiple scythes and roll against the giant ones before they strike you.

For her final scythe attack, she will charge her hands before sending two giant slash attacks. Run to your left or right and you’ll be fine, but beware because this one takes quite a chunk of your HP depending on what difficulty mode you’re playing.

Aiming at the head of Giltine with Garcia's handgun.

To deal damage to the big sister, you need to shoot her red head until it explodes. After that, she’ll summon Darkness and wrap the arena. Her new weak point in her belly.

You will notice that, contrary to the previous fights, there’s a goat head behind the Reaper. This is because you can shoot the boss’ red sphere all you want before you decide to dispel the Darkness, but beware — she has more health than her sisters, so it might take you a while to break her core and you’ll be losing life continuously until the Darkness is off.

Repeat this process a few times and you’ll be done with the sisterhood of the death.


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