How To Defeat George (Human Form) In Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered

How To Defeat George (Human Form) In Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered
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Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered is filled to the brim with boss fights, each one operating with their own set of rules. They play a key role in progression, as after you triumph, you’ll be rewarded with a blue gem, a powerful item that gifts you new weapons.


Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered Review – Still A Hell Of A Good Time

Suda51 and Shinji Mikami are back with the remaster of their violent and hilarious game from 2011, Shadows of the Damned.

Of course, you still need to kill the boss first. The first one you’ll face is named George (yes, just George). You’ll encounter him in Act 2’s chapter Cannibal Carnival, where he lures you into a trap by masquerading as Paula before executing his ambush. Thankfully, putting down this demon isn’t too much of a hassle, and you’ll be able to resume your search for your girlfriend shortly.

How To Defeat George (Human Form) – First Phase

The gimmick of your first battle with George is simple; he will chase you around the environment, dealing severe damage to Garcia if he can get his hands on him. He will slash at you with his blades, which you can dodge by rolling, but shooting back at him won’t do any damage.

As you’re running from George, you may stop hearing his footsteps. This means he is about to unleash his surprise attack, jumping out from around the corner or destroying a nearby building. Be ready to dodge!

Thankfully, there are plenty of light barrels spread around the area. Lead him near a barrel, then blow it up with a bullet.

Catching George in the explosion will cause his mask to fall off, exposing his vulnerable face. When this happens, you’ll have a few seconds to unload as much lead into his head as you can. You’ll know you’re damaging him when the music notes play. After that, he’ll put his mask back on, and you’ll need to find another barrel to lure him to.

Your showdown with George is set in a hellish street market. There are a lot of tables and shops placed very close to one another, creating tight corridors, so navigating the environment will be just as important as actually fighting with the boss. Make sure to pay attention to your surroundings so you can escape should he get too close to you.

How To Defeat George (Human Form) – Second Phase

After you repeat this process a few times, George will begin to steal a goat head from the wall, plunging the environment into darkness. At this point, he will go into hiding, and the only way you can make him reemerge is by finding the goat head and illuminating the area with your light shot. Move quickly, otherwise your health will start being drained.

When the darkness takes over, try to scan your environment for a red building. The goat will be attached to it, and it will give you an idea of which way you need to go in order to progress.

After you use your light shot, George will pop out, and it’s back to shooting barrels. He will try to steal the goat again, but you just need to remain calm, collect hearts to protect yourself, and light the area up again. After a few more explosions and headshots, you’ll be treated to a cutscene and your reward.

Killing George will grant you a blue gem and a brand-new weapon, the Teether. It handles like a submachine gun, firing bullets at a tremendous clip, and it will shred through most basic enemies.


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We sat down with game creators Goichi Suda and Shinji Mikami to speak about the upcoming remaster of Shadows of the Damned and their careers.

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