How To Defeat George (Beast Form) In Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered

How To Defeat George (Beast Form) In Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered
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You haven’t seen the last of George! Shadow of the Damned: Hella Remastered‘s first boss is back, and none too happy about how your last encounter ended. Unfortunately for you, he has some tricks up his sleeve that will make your second fight a bit trickier than what came before.


Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered Review – Still A Hell Of A Good Time

Suda51 and Shinji Mikami are back with the remaster of their violent and hilarious game from 2011, Shadows of the Damned.

After appearing from a portal in the sky, George will tear out and eat his own heart, transforming into a giant hairy beast. He then summons a steed from the middle of the arena, which he mounts before producing two spears. If you want to progress, you’ll have to put an end to George once and for all.

How To Defeat George (Beast Form) – First Phase

The boss fight takes place in a circular courtyard, highlighted by a fountain in the middle. George will circle the area on his horse, attempting to jab you with his weapon, but this can be easily avoided by moving out of the way. It’s at this point that you may notice a blue target on George’s back, but this weak point can only be exploited when in darkness.

Thankfully, his steed has poor bowel control. The horse will fart out pockets of darkness for you to stand in, from which you can shoot the target.

After the darkness cloud has spawned, stand in front of it to lure George into charging through it. This will better expose his backside, allowing you to quickly shoot it full of lead.

Damage to George’s back will cause him to topple over, exposing another weak spot on the steed’s belly. Concentrate your fire on that area, and then the two of them will hop on top of the fountain in the middle of the arena.

From here, George will start raining spears upon you, but in doing so, he will again expose the weak point on the under side of his horse. Use your roll to avoid being hit, then take aim at the beast once more.

After being hit, George will hop back down and create another pocket of darkness. You will repeat this process a few times before the second phase begins.

How To Defeat George (Beast Form) – Second Phase

After dealing enough damage to his horse, a cutscene will play where George reaches into his mount’s chest and pulls out its heart, consuming it. This causes him to grow an exceptional amount, now towering above you like a small building. Despite his intimidating presence, this is actually the easiest part of the fight.

George will now have targets dotting his body, and unlike in the previous phase, you don’t need to enter darkness in order to damage them. He has one on each arm, two on both his ankles, and three on his back. He’ll try to crush you, but he moves so slowly that he isn’t much of a threat.

Breaking the targets on his ankles will cause him to keel over, making it easier to access the weak points on his arms.

After destroying all parts of his body, George makes one last desperate move. He pees a stream of darkness into the center fountain, covering the entire arena. At this point, his intestines will emerge from his torso, and all you need to do is shoot them before the darkness takes you. Once you’ve done that, George will be dead for good.

George will drop a blue gem after his fight, which upgrades the Monocussioner shotgun into the Skullcussioner.


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We sat down with game creators Goichi Suda and Shinji Mikami to speak about the upcoming remaster of Shadows of the Damned and their careers.

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