This is it. After climbing the annoying tower, you’re ready to go face-to-face against the Demon Lord and free Paula once and for all. The, apparently, last boss of Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered is not finished torturing you and your loved one. But you can finally put an end to his existence.

Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered Review – Still A Hell Of A Good Time
Suda51 and Shinji Mikami are back with the remaster of their violent and hilarious game from 2011, Shadows of the Damned.
Considering his title, you would think that Fleming would be a chaotic fight with several phases and dozens of unique attacks to keep in mind. However, he follows the same standard structure as the rest of the bosses in this game. Let’s see what you need to keep in mind to defeat Fleming.
How To Defeat Fleming – First Phase
Fleming will start laughing, glowing his head red, and will shoot a laser at you after a couple of seconds. Dodge to either side when you this attack coming. Another of his moves involves jumping in the air and slamming the ground with his polearm. This will produce a shockwave that will cover the arena; dodge to any side at the time that you see it near you.
Your game plan should be to focus on his head every time you can — see his red eyes? That’s his first weak spot. Fleming’s chest is also vulnerable, but your main objective should be the head. You can use any of your three weapons for this fight, but the Skullblaster (shotgun) might not be the best fit because it’s slower than the rest and it’s easy to miss Fleming’s head and hit his neck or other part of his body.
Whenever you’re out of ammo, look at the arena’s borders: ammo boxes spawn sporadically. You should run around the stage to get them, don’t walk — Fleming will continue to attack you and he’ll be out of your sight.
The Dentist (submachine gun) is a better option, especially if you lock in the boss’ head (a bit tricky, to be honest), but always pay attention to Fleming’s moves: from time to time, he will open his coat. This can have two outcomes: unleash darkness, which you’ll have to clean by using a Light Shot in a flying goat head that will appear on screen, or show Paula. If he shows her, don’t shoot. Hitting Paula with only one bullet will kill her, which means game over.
This is why you shouldn’t use the submachine gun in a careless way, as it’s easy to shoot Paula by mistake while holding the Fire button. Also, the weapon will lock in her when she’s on screen.
When dealing enough damage, Fleming will become unconscious for a short time, and you’ll see the red cracks in his body turn orange. Charge your Hot Boner (handgun) to launch a mine at these cracks, and shoot it. Flemming’s body will be chopped into three big pieces, and a new phase will start.
How To Defeat Fleming – Second Phase
The Demon Lord will join his body parts using lasers, and he will start flying around you in a kind of erratic circular motion. You need to stay away from his range, and start shooting the part glowing red.
This is a great moment to use your submachine gun thanks to its lock-in feature.
After some damage, Fleming will get his body complete, and repeat every move you’ve already seen so far, with three new additions. Now, when he opens his coat, he can also show you a sphere that will shoot lasers for some seconds. You can either run to your left or right or dodge continuously, although we recommend running away.
The second one is a more unique attack. When in Darkness, Fleming can transport you to another area with giant burgers (!) on a plate and regular enemies. Here you’ll see some doors with cracks. Launch mines at them with your Hot Boner until you see one with white light — that’s your exit.
When you have hurt two of Fleming’s body parts, he will add his last move: a green barrier with a few holes on its upper side. You will have to pick up your shotgun, charge your shot, and throw a giant skull through one of them.
Only one successful explosion will do the trick, but beware that after standing still for a brief moment, Fleming will start attacking you with his laser.
Deal enough damage to all of the boss’s body parts and he will unleash a trap card: he will explode and create a kind of black hole that will start throwing random objects at you. You don’t have to do anything but dodging to the sides, trying to get hit as least as possible. The objects don’t do significant damage, even in the hardest difficulty, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble.
After the battle is done, you’ll see your lovely Paula and it will be a happy ending. Right?

Suda51 Says Shadows Of The Damned Is Super Mario Plus Hell
We sat down with game creators Goichi Suda and Shinji Mikami to speak about the upcoming remaster of Shadows of the Damned and their careers.
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