Burning reactions are not commonly used in Genshin Impact because they are not very practical. While they can deal some good DMG in certain teams, other reactions are more effective in combat. However, for players who want to build a team focused on burning enemies, some team compositions excel in that field.
Before showcasing any team compositions, it’s important to note that the best Burning teams require Nahida as a Dendro enabler and the one to trigger the reaction. Nahida’s Elemental Skill has a massive reach in Genshin Impact, making her an excellent Dendro applier; her Tri-Karma Purification also continuously applies Dendro off-field. Additionally, Xiangling and Dehya both have continuous off-field Pyro applications, so players can choose one of them to be on the team.

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Updated on November 2, 2024, by Nahda Nabiilah: Many new updates have added new mechanics and gameplay to Genshin Impact since the original guide was published. The sad part is Burning is still underwhelming and can’t offer a lot to the team outside of being beneficial to other reactions. However, some new characters made their way into the meta that depends on Burning to increase their DPS. For that, this guide will be updated to add characters that synergize with them to create the best Burning team for them in Genshin Impact.
7 Nahida + Wanderer + Faruzan + Thoma
The team composition will be led by Wanderer, with Faruzan and Thoma supporting him from off-field. Wanderer’s low Cooldown on both his Elemental Skill and Burst allows for more flexibility during rotations, and players can switch between him for main DPS, Faruzan for buffer/debuffer, and Thoma and Nahida for triggering Burning reactions. With the Pyro aura spread between enemies, Wanderer will always carry Pyro when players activate his Elemental Skill, increasing his ATK by 30%.
To begin the rotation, start by using Nahida’s Skill/Burst to mark enemies. Then, switch to Thoma to use his Skill/Burst, followed by Faruzan casting her Skill/Burst to prepare the field for Wanderer. From here, enter Wanderer’s Windfavored state and use his Normal attacks to keep triggering Nahida’s Tri-Karma Purification, continuously reapplying the Burning reaction.
6 Nahida + Venti + Jean + Bennett
Burning reactions in Genshin Impact have a very small AoE that players can actually abuse. The reaction operates like Swirl by damaging all enemies within one meter of the burned target. However, it’s not very practical in hard content like the Spiral Abyss because enemies often don’t come in groups, making it difficult to exploit this method.
Since the Burning radius is too small, Venti is the perfect Crowd Control to bring into this team. First, mark enemies with Nahida’s Elemental Skill, then, apply the Sunfire combo by placing Bennett and Jean’s Bursts on the field. This will create ongoing Pyro Swirls that tick every second, reapplying the Burning reaction every time they tick. Finally, aim Venti’s Burst carefully and pull enemies close to each other to Burn them together while keeping the rotation active to keep the reactions ongoing.
5 Nahida + Ayaka + Kazuha + Bennett
Since the Burning reaction maintains a Pyro aura over the affected enemies, adding a Cryo unit to trigger Reverse-Melt reactions could prove to be rewarding. The idea of this team composition is simple: once players collect Burning enemies with Kazuha, unleash Ayaka’s Burst to trigger one Melt reaction after another while Nahida keeps enemies Burning.

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Given that Ayaka rapidly steals away the Pyro aura from enemies and Dendro doesn’t react with Cryo, using Kazuha’s Elemental Burst is essential. He will slash enemies with Pyro-infused hits to react with Nahida to trigger Burning again. This will create a synergy where Ayaka’s Burst will Melt a couple of times during each rotation, massively increasing her DPS overall. Not to mention, Bennett and Kazuha are two amazing supports, especially with Noblesse Oblige and Viridescent Venerer respectively.
4 Nahida + Ganyu + Dehya + Bennett
Ganyu benefits greatly from the Burning reaction as her team ensures that all her Charged attacks will Melt. A team of Nahida, Ganyu, Dehya, and Bennett does not have any selfish DPS and allows each character to shine in their respective roles. Players can switch back to Nahida comfortably to mark monsters with her Skill, maintaining the Burning reaction alongside Bennett and Dehya.
Bennett is an excellent support in Genshin Impact, as he can further amplify Ganyu’s DMG while producing more Pyro for the team and generating particles for Dehya. As for Dehya, she helps protect Ganyu with her field, which has a decent Pyro application, enabling Ganyu to charge her arrows smoothly without any interruptions.
3 Nahida + Zhongli + Kazuha + Dehya
This team composition can immensely exploit Burning reactions, which is why Zhongli is available on the party. When Kazuha collects enemies together, they’ll start burning each other, and the active character will burn too. The DMG output will be insanely high, and even the active character’s HP will melt quickly. In this situation, Zhongli helps protect the team while Kazuha, Dehya, and Nahida keep enemies burning.
To execute this strategy effectively, start by using Zhongli’s shield and applying Dendro to all enemies with Nahida. Then, use Dehya’s Elemental Skill and Kazuha’s Elemental Burst. Once both Pyro and Dendro Elements begin to automatically apply, gather enemies around Kazuha using his Elemental Skill. This will create a massive DMG output, so be sure to maintain Zhongli’s shield.
2 Kinich + Emilie + Xiangling + Bennett
Although the Burning reaction is underwhelming, both Kinich and Emilie are strong Dendro units who work well against opponents suffering from the Burning reaction in Genshin Impact. For that, pairing both units with Pyro users in Genshin Impact greatly increases their DPS.

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The good news is both Dendro units scale well with ATK%, which makes Bennett a must-have in their team since he’s a Pyro Support who will greatly raise their ATK. Add another character who can constantly apply Pyro like Xiangling, and you’ll have a team that will take on any challenge in Genshin Impact. Having two Dendro and Pyro units in one team triggers their Dendro and Pyro Resonances, which will further increase their Elemental Mastery and ATK%, which all this team needs to be devastating.
1 Emilie + Baizhu + Kazuha + Dehya
What makes Emilie so good with Burning teams in Genshin Impact is her ability to constantly apply Dendro and still synergize with Burning while she’s not even on the field. Since Burning DMG can spread to other enemies and affect them, adding Kazuha to the team helps because of his strong Crowd Control. Not only that, but Kazuha also reduces enemies’ resistance to Pyro, which increases the Burning DMG.
For the last two characters, add Dehya because of her consistent Pyro application and wide team protection. Baizhu is also a good choice since he can greatly buff the team’s Burning DMG and offer more protection.
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