Gear Up. Full Equipment, Perks, Scorestreaks Confirmed!

Gear Up. Full Equipment, Perks, Scorestreaks Confirmed!
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A.G.R. Mk 1 (MP)

Type: Lethal

Score: 1,200

Available: Unlocked at Player Level 27

Remotely piloted quick assault tank armed with a machine gun and grenade launcher.


Interceptors (MP)

Type: Non-lethal (to Operators)

Score: 1,250 (Dispatcher Perk: 1,050)

Available: Unlocked at Player Level 47

Call in a fighter jet squadron that eliminates enemy air targets.


Strategic Bomber (MP)

Type: Lethal

Score: 1,300

Available: Unlocked at Player Level 36

Stealth plane that carpet bombs a large targeted area.



Type: Non-lethal

Score: 1,450 (Dispatcher Perk: 1,200)

Available: Unlocked at Player Level 42

High altitude recon plane reveals enemy position and direction on the minimap in real time.


Chopper Gunner (MP, ZM)

Type: Lethal

Score: 1,600

Available: Unlocked at Player Level 45

Take control of the door gun turret on an assault chopper.


Dreadnought (MP)

Type: Lethal

Score: 1,800

Available: Unlocked at Player Level 54

Heavily modified gunship equipped with multiple cannons, rocket pods, and a Daisy Cutter bomb.



Black Ops 6: Unredacted Launch Comms Incoming!


Expect further critical intel to be unredacted in the coming days as we confirm additional launch content across Multiplayer and Zombies. Look for the following missives:


Launch Comms Blog 1: Multiplayer and More: Essential Intel on the Multiplayer Modes, Maps, Factions, and Operators Coming to Black Ops 6.


Launch Comms Blog 2: Zombies Mode Prep: Full Equipment, Power-Ups, Augments, GobbleGums, a Full Tour of Terminus and Liberty Falls, and Confirmed Launch Changes.


Launch Comms Blog 3: Weapons Hot: Primary, Secondary, and Melee Weapons Detail for Black Ops 6. Includes new details on the latest innovations across Gunsmith and Attachments.


Launch Comms Blog 4: Gear Up: Ensure you’re fully equipped for Black Ops 6 launch as we confirm all the launch Equipment (Tacticals, Lethals, Field Upgrades), Perks, Specialties, Wildcards, and Scorestreaks available. You’re reading this blog now!


Launch Comms Blog 5: Progression: Unlock your true potential as we detail the critical Player Level equipment you’ll need on day one, detailed intel on Classic Prestige and the available rewards, full info on Calling Cards, Reticles, and Mastery Badges Challenges. Plus: Are You Ready for a Deep Dive into the Weapon Camo System?