Every Trophy And Achievement In Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered

Every Trophy And Achievement In Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered
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Grasshopper Manufacture’s cult hit Shadows of the Damned is back, and it’s Hella Remastered! As is expected with every modern game launch, it comes packed with a lot of achievements to collect while you play, helping to incentivize more playtime.


Shadows Of The Damned: Hella Remastered Review – Still A Hell Of A Good Time

Suda51 and Shinji Mikami are back with the remaster of their violent and hilarious game from 2011, Shadows of the Damned.

Shadows of the Damned’s trophy list is not short, with 50 digital trinkets to nab, plus a platinum if you’re playing on PlayStation. The good news is that the vast majority of them will be earned on your first playthrough just by finishing the campaign. Others must be earned through the completion of combat challenges, but on the whole, it’s a very simple game to 100 percent.

Campaign Trophies

Garcia pointing a gun at the camera in Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered.

Garcia’s trip to the underworld is split up into Acts, each of which is filled with a series of chapters. You’ll earn an achievement after finishing each of these levels, as well as when you roll credits on your chosen difficulty.



How To Unlock

You Go To Hell

Start a new game for the first time (any difficulty setting).

Unmissable, unlocked as part of campaign progression.

An Ordinary Life

Complete Act 1 – Chapter 1 on any difficulty setting.

Take Me To Hell

Complete Act 2 – Chapter 1 on any difficulty setting.

Cannibal Carnival

Complete Act 2 – Chapter 2 on any difficulty setting.

What a Wonderful World

Complete Act 2 – Chapter 3 on any difficulty setting.

Riders of the Lost Heart

Complete Act 2 – Chapter 4 on any difficulty setting.

It’s a Bughunt

Complete Act 3 – Chapter 1 on any difficulty setting.

My Dying Concubine

Complete Act 3 – Chapter 2 on any difficulty setting.

As Evil As Dead

Complete Act 3 – Chapter 3 on any difficulty setting.

The Bird’s Nest

Complete Act 3 – Chapter 4 on any difficulty setting.

The Big… You Know

Complete Act 4 – Chapter 1 on any difficulty setting.

Great Demon World Village

Complete Act 4 – Chapter 2 on any difficulty setting.

Ghost Hunter

Complete Act 4 – Chapter 3 on any difficulty setting.

Great Demon World Forest

Complete Act 4 – Chapter 4 on any difficulty setting.

Suburban Nightmares

Complete Act 4 – Chapter 5 on any difficulty setting.

Justine For All

Complete Act 4 – Chapter 6 on any difficulty setting.

Twelve Feet Under

Complete Act 5 – Chapter 1 on any difficulty setting.

The Castle of Hussle

Complete Act 5 – Chapter 2 on any difficulty setting.

Different Perspectives

Complete Act 5 – Chapter 3 on any difficulty setting.

The Final Chapter

Complete Act 5 – Chapter 4 on any difficulty setting.

Til Death Do Us Part

Complete Act 5 – Chapter 5 on any difficulty setting.

Adios George (Human form)

Defeat George (Human form).

Adios George (Beast form)

Defeat George (Beast form).

Don’t Fear The Reaper 1

Defeat Maras Grim (of the Grim Sisters).

Don’t Fear The Reaper 2

Defeat Kauline Grim (of the Grim Sisters).

Annoying Mosquito

Defeat Elliot Beast Boss.

Don’t Fear The Reaper 3

Defeat Giltine Grim (of the Grim Sisters).

Flat Lust

Defeat Justine.

I Defeated the Last Big Boss!

Defeat Fleming.

Love Suicide

Defeat Paula.

Lemon Hunter

Complete all chapters as Lemon Hunter.

There are three difficulty levels in the game (Lemon, Demon, and Legion Hunter). You earn a trophy after finishing the game on your chosen difficulty, but the trophies do not stack, meaning you will have to finish the story three times to get each of them.

New Game Plus won’t allow you to change the difficulty either, so you need to restart fully from another save slot.

Demon Hunter

Complete all chapters as Demon Hunter.

Legion Hunter

Complete all chapters as Legion Hunter.

Combat Trophies

Garcia pointing his shotgun at an armored demon in Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered.

Almost every moment of your adventure will be spent slaying demons. As you progress, make sure you’re cycling through your available weapons so you can meet the required kill counts for each gun.



How To Unlock

Blood On The Dance Floor

Defeat ten enemies with the Stomp Attack.

After shooting out a demon’s legs, walk up to them, and you’ll be greeted by a button prompt to perform a stomp attack. Do this ten times and the trophy is yours.

The Talkative One

Defeat 20 enemies with the TEETHER.

Defeat the designated number of enemies with your gun. This gets tricky because your guns get upgraded at certain points in the story, changing their names and locking you out of getting kills with the previous version (for example, the Teether is turned into the Teethgrinder and then The Dentist).

This is why you should try to get all the necessary kills with a weapon as soon as you earn it, otherwise you’ll have to get the achievement on another playthrough.

There have been reports that you can get trophies for previous weapon versions while using an upgraded form, but it’s very inconsistent and likely a bug.

Meatballs Lover

Defeat 30 enemies with the SKULLCUSSIONER.

That’s So Hot!

Defeat 20 enemies with the Handgun.

The Orthodontist

Defeat 30 enemies with the TEETHGRINDER.

Now That’s a Big F***** Gun

Defeat 40 enemies with the SKULLFEST 9000.

Orthodontic Pleasures

Defeat 50 enemies with THE DENTIST.

Skullblaster Master

Defeat 50 enemies with the SKULLBLASTER.

A Hole in your Head

Perform five headshots in a row with your biggest gun.

Perform five headshots in a row with the Big Boner. You get access to this weapon only in the first chapter of Act 4. Aim for the red targets on the giants’ heads to score a one-hit kill.

Nasty Headache

Perform five headshots in a row with any weapon except the Big One. You know which.

Perform five headshots in a row with any weapon other than the Big Boner. Look for humanoid enemies that resemble zombies; they move slowly and can be exploited for headshots easily.

The Puppeteer

Perform a headshot right after a Limb Mutilation when the enemy is flying back in the air.

This one requires a bit of luck. Use the submachine gun and fire at an enemy’s arms. It may take a lot of tries, but you should be able to blow their arm off and score a headshot right after.

Fire in the Hole!

Defeat three enemies at once using the Explosive Barrels.

Kill three enemies by blowing up one explosive barrel.

Fiesta Caliente!

Defeat five enemies at once using the Handgun.

After you acquire the Hot Boner, you’ll be able to place bombs with it. Fire a bomb into a crowd of enemies, then shoot it to blow it up. Alternatively, you can place a few bombs to increase the explosion radius and kill more demons at once.

Trash’em while they’re out!

Perform all five unique executions (Special Kills) on an enemy frozen by the Light Shot.

Stun an enemy with a light shot, then approach them to perform an execution. Continue to perform executions on enemies until you’ve done all five and the trophy pops. This can only be done against the standard humanoid demons.

Drunk in Public

Drink three bottles of any alcohol in a row.

Heal with alcohol three times in a row.

Collectible Trophies

White Gems entry in the Johnsonpedia in Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered.

Finally, there are a couple of trophies tied to collectibles. Be on the lookout for red gems as you play, since that will be the hardest achievement to grab.



How To Unlock

Stingy Bastard

Save more than 300 White Gems in your inventory.

Save up 300 white gems. You can farm enemies for money by shooting out their legs and performing a stomp attack, which produces one white gem for each stomp Garcia does.

High in Las Vegas

Recover all available Red Gems in the game.

In total, you can acquire 80 upgrades for Garcia by using red gems. You can find 38 of them scattered throughout the levels, and the rest you must buy from Christopher.

However, it’s best to go for this trophy during your Lemon Hunter playthrough, since the price of red gems is tied to your difficulty (45 white gems on Lemon, 75 on Demon, and 120 on Legion). Spend all your money on red gems, find the rest in levels, and the achievement is yours.


Suda51 Says Shadows Of The Damned Is Super Mario Plus Hell

We sat down with game creators Goichi Suda and Shinji Mikami to speak about the upcoming remaster of Shadows of the Damned and their careers.

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