Key Takeaways
- Newcomers to
can start with easier-to-use Agents before mastering more complex ones like Skye, Raze, and Omen. - Learning how to use abilities properly can help newer players rise through the ranks and eventually unlock more specialized Agents like Clove.
- Each Agent in
brings a unique playstyle and tools to the game, giving players options to fit their preferred roles and strategies.
It’s easy for newer Valorant players to feel intimidated when the likes of Iso threaten the meta with a moving impenetrable wall, a Vulnerable projectile, and even an Ultimate that forces a one-on-one duel. However, newcomers to the acclaimed FPS don’t necessarily need to dash into a fight with the new Duelist recklessly, especially if they start learning how to use the game’s more accessible Agents.

Valorant: Every Status Effect, Explained
New Valorant players who may not know the game’s status effects will find everything they need right here.
Learning how to use their abilities properly can help players rise through the ranks, eventually mastering key gameplay styles that will eventually aid them in using more specialized Agents such as controlled flashes with Skye, more aggressive bombing with Raze, and map mastery with Omen. Among Valorant’s easiest Agents to learn include the game’s resident firestarter, an acclaimed engineer, an infamous archer, and even a popular lurker.
Updated November 2, 2024 by Rhenn Taguiam: As Valorant introduces Sentinel Vyse and her interesting kit comprised of triggered flash-detects, trapping mechanisms, and an anti-Primary Ultimate, fans of the FPS might be intrigued as to how she’d fit fellow newcomers Reyna-lite Clove and perhaps even gunfight-specialist Iso. While players who love the hero shooter for its power variety might see Vyse as another toy to play with, newcomers might find it difficult to choose which among the game’s Agents they can train with.
Interestingly enough, newcomers looking for a challenge might want to start their gameplay experiences with the game’s trickiest flash-and-teleport Duelist and three Sentinels with different approaches to area and site control.
1 Yoru
Adaptability Is Key For This Duelist
Role |
Duelist |
Passive |
N/A |
Basic Ability 1 |
Fakeout: Equip an Echo that transforms into a Yoru clone (150HP). Fire to send it forward, Alt-Fire to set an inactive Echo that becomes a clone when Used. Shooting any Yoru clone triggers a flash. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Blindside: Throw a dimensional fragment that collides with a surface. This winds up a flash after 0.6s that lasts for 1.75s. |
Signature Ability |
Gatecrash: Equip a Rift Tether (60HP). Fire to send it forward or Alt-Fire for a stationary rift. Use to trigger a fake teleport, while Activate to teleport to the Rift Tether. It recharges after 2 Kills. |
Ultimate Ability |
Dimensional Rift: Equip a Mask. Fire to drift into a new dimension. Yoru cannot be shot but he will be noticed by a weird border that surrounds the HUD of enemies close to him. Yoru can use Blindside in this form. Reactivate to exit. Lasts for 12 seconds. |
Unlike other Duelists, Yoru boasts one of the most technical and niche kits in the first-person shooter. Compared to other aggressive Duelists like Jett and Raze, Yoru’s kit relies heavily on misdirection to get the enemies looking where they’re not supposed to be looking. As a flasher, Yoru has Blindside (Basic 2) that bounces into corners before triggering a flash, making avoiding it rather tricky. Added to his bag of tricks is Fakeout (Basic 1), which sends a Yoru clone that triggers a flash when shot – an extra annoying ability based on the fact that Yoru can deploy it from afar.
Yoru’s emphasis on misdirection is better seen with Gatecrash (Signature), allowing him to release a Rift Tether that stays in a spot or can go forward as far as it could. When triggered, Yoru can technically teleport to the other side of the Map (depending on where the Tether is left), making for useful escapes for the retake or an opportunity to plant in an empty Site. Lastly, Dimensional Rift (Ultimate) gives Yoru the chance to hide in plain sight, allowing him to escape full Sites or initiate a retake by “detecting” enemies while he’s invulnerable and invisible. Based on the technical nature of these skills and the possibility of Yoru flashing his teammates, players need to get to know “Yoru tech” before using him efficiently.
2 Vyse
Retake-Oriented Kit Demands More Finesse
Role |
Sentinel |
Passive |
N/A |
Basic Ability 1 |
Razorwire: Equip a liquid metal nest. Fire to launch. The nest becomes invisible when landing on the ground (40HP) and can be remotely Activated. When triggered, it transforms into a razorvine net area that inflicts 15% Slow and deals 6 Damage whenever they try to travel 1.25m forward. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Shear: Equip a liquid metal filament. Fire to create a hidden wall trap. This is triggered by a passing enemy. The trap summons an indestructible wall that lasts for 7.8s. |
Signature Ability |
Arc Rose: Equip an Arc Rose (20HP). Fire to place a stealthed Arc Rose, or Alt-Fire to place an Arc Rose through it. Reuse to trigger and blind all players looking at its direction for 2.25s. Can be redeployed. 45s Cooldown. |
Ultimate Ability |
Steel Garden: Equip a liquid metal bramble. Fire to erupt. After 3.4s, disable Primary Weapon equips for 8s in the area. |
Newcomer Vyse is a breath of fresh air for Sentinels, especially with her more aggressive kit. When enemies make the mistake of entering her domain, Arc Rose (Signature) from a wall (or within it!) can flash any players looking in its direction – giving Vyse an opening to kill any passers-by. A Duelist or aggressive enemy unlucky enough to pass her Shear (Basic 2) will be isolated momentarily, leaving them ripe for the kill. When combined with Razorvine (Basic 1) it can trigger a slowing-and-damaging AOE; enemies who try to move away can die rather quickly.
Perhaps Vyse’s most impressive ability is her Steel Garden (Ultimate). A first in the game, enemies in the trigger zone have their Primary Weapons jammed, forcing them to use their Secondaries – unless the enemy camp has a Chamber, who can still use his special weapons. Based on the remote deployability of her kit, it seems Vyse specializes as a retake or counter-offensive Agent. At the hands of a player with strategic prowess, Vyse can solo defend areas by killing enemies she flashes and traps with her slows. However, the technical nature of her abilities can make her rather difficult to master at the onset.
3 Viper
Refillable Abilities Demand Proper Timing, Positioning
Role |
Sentinel |
Passive |
Fuel: Passively generates Toxin over 8s or 12s, with full 30s needed to replenish total Toxin. Toxin: Anyone who touches Viper’s abilities get -30 HP Decay and -10 Damage/sec throughout their exposure. |
Basic Ability 1 |
Snake Bite: Equip a chemical launcher. Fire to launch. It shatters into a poison AOE, applying 2s Vulnerable and dealing 12.5 Damage/s over the course of 6.5s. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Poison Cloud: Equip a gas emitter. Fire to throw the emitter. Its placement is permanent. Reuse to create a toxic gas that consumes Fuel. Can be Reused multiple times in the round, but can only be Redeployed before Round Start. |
Signature Ability |
Toxic Screen: Equip a gas emitter. Fire to deploy a line of poison gas. Reuse to create a Toxin wall that consumes Fuel. Placement is permanent per round. Can be Reused multiple times in the round. |
Ultimate Ability |
Viper’s Pit: Equip a chemical sprayer. Fire to spray a cloud that surrounds Viper. Hold to disperse early. Enemies inside are Nearsighted and Decayed. Ability stops after 8s if Viper is outside. Ability doesn’t stop as long as Viper is inside. |
Poisoner Viper might be everyone’s next-door crush in Valorant, but her kit is one of the trickiest to use in the game. As a Sentinel, Viper is a potent defender, and can even execute interesting strategies if her kit is utilized properly. She’s known for her Toxic Screen (Signature), a wall-penetrating poison wall that damages enemies upon passing, making it a nifty cover for sites and may even be used as a fake setup to trap lurkers. Meanwhile, her Poison Cloud (Basic 2) is a persistent molly that can provide effective cover for retakes, isolate the Spike, or damage aggressors. Lastly, Snake Bite (Basic 1) is a decent AOE that punishes opponents for trying to get to her territory.
Viper’s Pit (Ultimate) is considered one of the game’s best Ultimates for its defensive capability, as not only does it mask the Spike in a cloud that Nearsights enemies, but all of them are Decayed while inside – making them easy pickings as long as Viper manages to spot them first. While Viper’s reusable abilities allow her to reuse defensible angles, she suffers the same fate as Killjoy as being rather useless if her skills don’t proc assists throughout the round. Moreover, whereas Killjoy has re-deployable abilities, Viper’s are permanently placed throughout the round.
4 Cypher
The Trap Master
Role |
Sentinel |
Passive |
N/A |
Basic Ability 1 |
Trapwire: Equip a Trapwire. Fire to place a trip at a target location that spans two opposite surfaces (20HP). Enemies crossing the tripwire will be Tethered, Revealed, and Concussed. They are dealt 5 Damage, suffer 1.25s Slow, 1.5s Tether, and 3s Concuss. Can be redeployed throughout the match. Triggers constantly unless destroyed. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Cyber Cage: Instantly toss a cage in front of Cypher. Activate to create a zone that blocks vision and plays audio when enemies pass through it. |
Signature Ability |
Spycam: Equip a spycam (1HP). Fire to place the camera at a target location. Reuse to equip and look at its view. Fire to shoot a marking dart that Reveals still images of opponents every 2s unless they remove it. Use again after 15s when redeployed, after 45s if destroyed. |
Ultimate Ability |
Neural Theft: Throw his hat at a target dead enemy. The locations of the enemy team are Revealed as stills over 2s and 4s. |
Valorant‘s resident trapper Cypher is the cause of a lot of the game’s woes – especially for players who know how to use his traps effectively. However, regardless of how sleek the Agent feels after killing enemies who cross his traps, mastering their placement is more elaborate than it looks. Key to his setups are Trapwires (Basic 1) that annoyingly Tether, Reveal, and Concuss opponents that step on them. While it’s true that enemies can just avoid Cypher’s favored sites upon sensing the Trapwires, they are extremely effective deterrents for a weaker Site to force enemies to attack a better-defended location. Meanwhile, Cyber Cage (Basic 2) creates a digital wall that can act as smoke, giving Cypher nifty opportunities to initiate one-way walls to attack unsuspecting Trapwire victims. Moreover, Spycam (Signature) allows him to spot enemies and tag them for his allies.
To add salt to the wounds of his enemies, Cypher can trigger Neural Theft (Ultimate) to spot enemy locations in the map for his allies to see – allowing them to chase down enemies who try to retake or even launch a surprise attack. Despite his traps being re-deployable, Cypher’s biggest disadvantage lies in constantly thinking of lineups so enemies can’t spot where his traps are located. Not only that, his Spycam won’t have much utility if enemies spot where it is quickly. Enemies who don’t go to Cypher’s site can render most of his traps useless unless players can quickly set up a Plan B for the retake.
5 Jett
Take Advantage Of Speed And Verticality
Role |
Duelist |
Passive |
Drift: Holding Jump while falling will make Jett glide. |
Basic Ability 1 |
Cloudburst: Throw a projectile that becomes a spherical smoke cloud. Moves with the crosshair. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Updraft: Instantly launch Jett in the air. |
Signature Ability |
Tailwind: Prepare a gust of wind. Reuse to propel Jett in the direction she is moving. Resets per two (2) kills. |
Ultimate Ability |
Bladestorm: Equip highly-accurate throwing knives. Fire to throw one dagger that recharges knives on kill. Alt-Fire to throw all daggers with no recharge. Each knife deals 150/50/42 Damage (Head/Body/Legs). |
Among Duelists in the game, Jett can take full advantage of verticality in Valorant gameplay. While definitely more technical compared to the likes of Phoenix, Raze, and Iso, players slowly getting confident with their aim can level up their gameplay with Jett’s kit. Central to her abilities is Drift (Passive), which lets her glide in the air when holding Jump, allowing her to retain some vertical accuracy, land without fall damage, and time her mobile-heavy skills.

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Jett becomes a flexible Duelist depending on how players use her movement. Preparing an instant directional boost via Tailwind (Signature) allows her to generate distance (backward), get away after peeking (horizontal), or dash (forward). The Duelist’s forward-dashing becomes a nifty follow-up to her sphere smoke Cloudburst (Basic 1) that can conceal her entrance. When combined with her air-launch Updraft (Basic 2), Jett can do a myriad of mid-air shenanigans that will force opponents to aim recklessly at her while leaving them open for fighters below.
6 Breach
Close-Range Infiltration Specialist
Role |
Initiator |
Basic Ability 1 |
Aftershock: Release a fusion charge that launches a slow-acting burst. Does 80 Damage per tick across two (2) ticks. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Flashpoint: Release a blinding charge that can pass through walls. Blinds all players affected. |
Signature Ability |
Fault Line: Release a seismic blast that Concusses players in the zone. Hold to determine the range. |
Ultimate Ability |
Rolling Thunder: Release a charge that releases a cascading quake through a cone area. Affected players are Concussed and Knocked Up. |
Players who want to take their Valorant gameplay up close and personal should use Breach for short-ranged Shotgun-heavy plays geared toward fast kills. As an Initiator, Breach is built to stop opponents from entering his Site. However, his kit can be used to make him an ultra-aggressive character. As soon as Breach hears footsteps near his vicinity, Fault Line (Signature) releases a Concussing charge within an area he dictates. Afterward, Breach can Blind the enemy with Flashpoint (Basic 2) before he and an ally can zoom in for the kill.
A more aggressive Breach may even follow up the Concussive Fault Line with an Aftershock (Basic 1) that damages foes in the blast zone, possibly killing them. The close-range blast of Aftershock can be paired with Agent abilities that stun opponents such as Cypher’s and Deadlock’s trips. Lastly, Breach can destabilize the enemy’s movement with Rolling Thunder (Ultimate) that Concusses and Knocks Up affected foes – an extremely deadly skill in the new Abyss Map that has lethal falling edges.
7 Iso
Perfect For Those Who Invest In The Aim
Role |
Duelist |
Basic Ability 1 |
Contingency: Release an indestructible and bulletproof wall that moves forward a certain distance. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Undercut: Release a bolt that applies Vulnerable to players that it passes through. This passes through all solid objects such as walls. |
Signature Ability |
Double Tap: Equip a shield that absorbs one damage from any source. Killing enemies while the shield is active will release an energy orb in the air. Shooting this will refresh the shield. |
Ultimate Ability |
Kill Contract: Release a field that sends Iso and an enemy in it to a separate arena. They duel to the death. |
Despite recent buffs to this Duelist, the aim-heavy kit of Iso makes his attack-heavy Valorant gameplay ideal for players who want to focus on gunplay instead of abilities. The infamous Double Tap (Signature) grants a shield that absorbs any one attack, and the shield can be refreshed if Iso shoots the energy orb that spawns from the enemy killed while in this state. Earning the moniker “Aimlabs,” this “shoot the random orb” requirement to fully take advantage of Double Tap will train Iso users to shoot accurately and while under distress.
The rest of Iso’s kit is tailored towards giving him and his allies an easier time entering the Site for frags. Thanks to Undercut (Basic 2), Iso can grant Vulnerable to everyone hit by his orbs, making its 4-second window a vital timeframe for fast kills. Meanwhile, his Contingency (Basic 1) is an indestructible wall with a small angle that he and his allies can hug for surprise attacks, or can be used to bait enemies. Lastly, Kill Contract (Ultimate) pits Iso and a target in a duel to the death. This Ultimate should be used carefully, however, as it can be dodged by jumping or releasing a Yoru clone. Likewise, enemies can simply sneak up to Iso’s location to kill him as soon as he returns – although allies can do this to the enemy’s location as well.
8 Neon
Speed Demon For Chaotic Plays
Role |
Duelist |
Passive |
Energy: Ability Resource that slowly refills in the round. Killing an opponent instant refills it. |
Basic Ability 1 |
Fast Lane: Release two energy lines that extend until they hit an object. They release walls that block vision. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Relay Bolt: Release an energy bolt that bounces once. When the bolt hits the surface, it releases a Concussive blast in its vicinity. |
Signature Ability |
High Gear: Use Energy for increased speed. When charged, hit Alt-Fire to electric slide. The slide resets when Neon kills two times. |
Ultimate Ability |
Overdrive: Get a speed boost while using Energy to release a deadly lightning beam with movement accuracy. Deals 54-30/18-10/15-8 Damage (Head/Body/Legs) |
While others found the movement-heavy kit of Neon unreliable in clutch situations, the recent buffs to the Valorant character made her easier to maneuver and may be the go-to specialist for close-ranged enthusiasts. While her Energy (Passive) gives her a finite resource to count on in rounds, this can train players to maximize her kit in fast-paced gunfights to kill enemies with a one-two punch via the Bucky or Judge, as well as the spray-intensive Stinger. Key to Neon’s kit is High Gear (Signature) that boosts her speed and comes with a nifty electric slide, allowing her to sneak past enemies and pull up a fast one from the rear before they can even turn back to counter.
As a Duelist, Neon’s entrances are equally as vibrant. She can release two Fast Lane (Basic 1) energy walls that block vision, letting her zero in on enemies or giving her team a way to surprise opponents when they get inside the Site. Alternatively, she can use Relay Bolt (Basic 2) to Concuss enemies in tricky angles, allowing her to kill them up close and get away with it before reinforcements try to counter-attack. For high-risk and high-reward plays, Neon can use Overdrive to laser-beam her opponents to death in a quick skirmish.
9 Chamber
There’s A Weapon For Every Occasion
Role |
Sentinel |
Basic Ability 1 |
Trademark: Equip a scanning trap (20HP) and Fire to place it on the ground. When it detects an enemy, 2s windup and Slows (4s 50% Slow) them. Can be recalled, 30s reload. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Headhunter: Equip a Pistol. Alt-Fire to ADS. 100 Credits per Bullet. Deals 159 (Head), 55 (Body), and 46 (Legs) Damage |
Signature Ability |
Rendezvous: Equip a teleport anchor (50HP) and Fire to place. Reactivate to Teleport quickly. Can be recalled, 30s reload. |
Ultimate Ability |
Tour De Force: Equip a Custom Sniper that kills an enemy with any direct hit to the upper body. 5 Bullets. 2.3 windup. Deals 255 (Head), 150 (Body), 127 (Legs) Damage. Killing an enemy creates a Slow (4s, 50% Slow) field. |
Among Agents players can encounter in their Valorant gameplay, Chamber has become iconic, not just for his toolkit, but his sheer infamy. In the hands of the right player, his Tour De Force (Ultimate) rifle can one-shot anyone he can get his sights on, while his Headhunter (Basic 2) can easily substitute for a Sheriff with its 159/55/46 (Head/Body/Legs) damage calculation. Such is the balance implications of his kit that he’s among the most nerfed Agents in the game.

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This isn’t to say that Chamber is too OP to use, however, as his Sentinel kit is rather lacking in terms of hard defense. Instead, Chamber trains players to keep an eye on a base’s integral spots. His Trademark (Basic 1) allows him to secure flanks and rat spots by slowing players inside its range, allowing Chamber to immediately identify locations to reinforce. Lastly, his Rendezvous (Signature) lets him instantly teleport to safety on a trigger, giving players breathing room to reload or confuse enemies before taking another shot at them.
10 Omen
The Ultimate Trick Smoker
Role |
Controller |
Basic Ability 1 |
Shrouded Step: Equip and Fire to Channel then Teleport to the marked location. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Paranoia: Fire a blinding orb that briefly Nearsights (2s) and Deafens all players it touches. Can pass through walls. |
Signature Ability |
Dark Cover: Equip a shadow orb that can be placed in a phased world. Hold Fire to move the marker away, Hold Alt-Fire to move the marker closer, Reload to reset view. Use Ability to throw the orb to create a long-lasting (15s) cloud. 30s Reload. |
Ultimate Ability |
From The Shadows: Equip a map then Teleport (4s) to the location. Omen appears a Shade during this manner and can be destroyed to cancel teleport. Omen can manually cancel this as well by Pressing Equip. |
Befitting his rather edgy appearance as a Valorant Agent, Omen is also the resident representative of Controllers in the game. Of the FPS title’s combat roles, Omen secures control over the battlefield by setting smokes in any part of the map, giving his team breathing room to prepare for insertion. Key parts of his kit are his Dark Cover (Signature), which opens a 3D version of the map and allows him to set up large globules of smoke. In the hands of a trained player, Omen can set these smokes to float just a few feet off the ground, giving him full view of the feet of opponents trying to sneak inside.
The rest of his kit incentivizes ratty plays from users who become more familiar with the map. His Paranoia (Basic 2) lets him release a smoke wave that blinds anyone he hits, while Shrouded Step lets him teleport to a specific location he can see – both of which allow him to outmaneuver foes even in sketchy situations. Lastly, his From The Shadows (Ultimate) can teleport him anywhere on the map, conveniently letting him steal the Spike or even attack from the rear of opponents.
11 Skye
Tactical Flasher With Bonus Heals
Role |
Initiator |
Basic Ability 1 |
Regrowth: Equip a healing trinket. Hold Fire to channel, healing allies except self. 100HP shared pool, 20HP/s healed. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Trailblazer: Equip a tiger trinket. Fire to take control. While in control, Fire to leap and Concuss an enemy in radius. 6s Duration, 80HP, 30 Damage on contact, 2.5-4s Concussion (depends on proximity to the tiger) |
Signature Ability |
Guiding Light: Equip a hawk trinket. Fire to release, Hold Fire to take control over crosshair direction. Re-Use to Flash early. Auto-Flashes after 2s. 1.2.25s Flash. |
Ultimate Ability |
Seekers: Equip a seeking trinket. Fire to release. 3 Seekers (120HP each) will track enemies and Nearsights (60% Slow, 3s) them. |
Tournament play has consistently seen team comps utilize Skye due to her flexibility as an Initiator. She can identify the enemy’s presence through her Guiding Light (Signature), releasing a bird she can control and manually trigger to flash unsuspecting opponents. This is also among the few abilities that declare enemy detection upon being flashed. Another detection ability in her arsenal is Trailblazer (Basic 2), a spectral hound she can control that can see enemies and even stun those that it hits.
Upon gathering enough points, her Seekers (Ultimate) releases three missiles that track enemies down, blinding them on hit unless they destroy them first – making this ability perfect for aggressive play. Outside these abilities, Skye also doubles as a healer with Regrowth (Basic 1), providing limited area-wide healing. This allows her to either substitute as a healer or become a dedicated Sage healer so the latter can focus on supporting everyone else.
12 KAY/O
Killer Bot With A Mean Knife And A Killer Flash
Role |
Initiator |
Basic Ability 1 |
FRAG/ment: Fire to throw an explosive fragment or Alt-Fire to lob. 4s Duration, deals 25-60 Damage per tick. 1 tick per second. |
Basic Ability 2 |
FLASH/drive: Release a flash grenade. Fire to overhand and Alt-Fire to lob a faster-firing version. 1.6s Fire windup with 2.25s Blind, 1s Alt windup with 1.25s Blind. |
Signature Ability |
ZERO/point: Equip and fire a Knife (20HP) that sticks to the first surface before releasing a suppressing sphere. Suppression stops abilities for 8s. 1s windup, 40s Recharge. |
Ultimate Ability |
NULL/cmd: Overload and release suppressive pulses in a wide radius. 12s Duration, 4s Suppression per pulse. KAY/O gets a Combat Stim (+15% Fire Rate, +10% Reload and Recover Speed). When downed, KAY/O gets 850HP and can be stabilized (3s) and revived (1.55s). |
Abilities form a crucial part of a team’s capabilities in Valorant, making the presence of KAY/O a threat on any side – especially if players begin to learn how to line up his ZERO/point (Signature) knife to hit spots where it can detect the most enemies without being shot. When ZERO/point detects enemies, not only are they declared on the HUD of all the player’s teammates, but they also get their abilities disabled for a short time.
Even if ZERO/point has a hefty recharge time, the rest of KAY/O’s kit makes him a beast on the battlefield. The slow-recovery nature of his FLASH/drive (Basic 2) makes this one of the best sources of flash-peeks in the game, while FRAG/ment (Basic 1) is a deadly burst molly when aimed properly. Lastly, KAY/O packs a punch with NULL/cmd that releases a constant ability-nullifier around him unless he’s killed. Even then, allies can revive him should they reach him on time, giving KAY/O another chance to fight.
13 Raze
Chaotic Grenade Plays Fit Reckless Fun
Role |
Duelist |
Basic Ability 1 |
Boom Bot: Deploy a bot (60HP) that travels in a straight line that bounces off walls. Locks-on to any enemy in frontal cone. 5s Duration, 30-80 Damage. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Blast Pack: Deploy a satchel (20HP) that sticks to a surface. Re-Use to detonate, damaging and moving anything hit. 1.5s windup, 5s Duration, 20-50 Damage (depending on proximity to the satchel). |
Signature Ability |
Paint Shells: Release a cluster grenade that releases sub-munitions. Alt-Fire to lob. Resets per 2 Kills, 1-55 Damage (depending on proximity to the main shell) |
Ultimate Ability |
Showstopper: Equip a rocket launcher that deals damage in a massive area. 30-150 Damage, 10s Duration, 1.4s Windup. |
A common trait among Duelists in Valorant is their penchant for fast-paced plays – something prominent, especially to Raze. Serving as the game’s grenade specialist, players who want a bit of reckless fun can train their Duelist triggers as Raze. Key to her kit is her Blast Pack (Basic 2), or satchels that propel her in the air when aimed and jumped at properly. With the right training and satchel positioning, players can jump ridiculous distances vertically and horizontally to reach enemies for a quick Judge shot to the face.

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The rest of Raze’s kit elevates her explosive potential. Her Boom Bot (Basic 1) transitions her to a sub-Initiator role, as the Bot travels forward unless it spots anyone – after which it chases them and jumps for an explosion. Raze can even deter potential entries with Paint Shells (Signature) that release dangerously strong fragments around themselves. Lastly, her Showstopper (Ultimate) is a powerful bazooka that can one-shot anyone in its path – perhaps leading players to unexpected aces.
14 Deadlock
Train Area Denial With Powerful Wall, Debuffing Traps
Role |
Sentinel |
Basic Ability 1 |
GravNet: Fire a GravNet grenade. Alt-Fire to lob. Detonates upon landing. Affected players are Forced Crouched, 70% Slow. 0.4s windup. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Sonic Sensor: Equip a Sonic Sensor (20HP)and Fire to Deploy. Activates upon hearing significant noise (Footsteps, Weapon Fire, etc.). Concusses for 3.5s. |
Signature Ability |
Barrier Mesh: Equip a Barrier Mesh. Fire to throw forward. Releases an X-shaped wall. -3s fortification, 30s Duration. Unfortified: 320/680HP, Fortified: 570/1200HP (Outer Orb/Central Orb). |
Ultimate Ability |
Annihilation: Equip a Nanowire Accelerator. Aim straight or at an angle to fire. Captures first enemy in contact after 1.1s windup. Cocooned Enemy is pulled across 7s and Auto-Kills unless Cocoon (600HP) is destroyed |
Despite the current low pick rate of Agent Deadlock among pro players, the Sentinel’s kit balances Sage’s area denial and Killjoy’s gadget utility. A key aspect of Deadlock’s skillset is her Barrier Mesh (Signature), which creates a heavily fortified cross-shaped barrier that can fit most corners and let bullets (but not people) pass through.
Working in tandem with this wall is her suite of detection skills, with Sonic Sensor (Basic 2) activating a concussive AOE when enemies near it make sounds, while GravNet (Basic 1) detonates into an AOE that forces enemies to crouch-walk slowly. Lastly, her Annihilation (Ultimate) wraps an opponent it catches, insta-killing them should they reach the Ult’s origin point unless enemies destroy the cocoon.
15 Clove
Mini-Omen And Reyna-Lite For Hybrid Playstyles
Role |
Controller |
Basic Ability 1 |
Pick-Me-Up: Absorb the life-force of a fallen foe they killed or damaged. They get 100 HP Overheal and +15% Speed Boost. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Meddle: Throw a molly that erupts after a short delay. It inflicts 90 HP Decay on all targets inside the burst radius. |
Signature Ability |
Ruse: Launch up to two smoke clouds. One charge refills after 30s, and can be used even when Clove dies. |
Ultimate Ability |
Not Dead Yet: After death, Clove can resurrect. Earning a kill or assist within 12s will revive them, or else they die permanently. |
Newcomer Clove is praised for making Controller plays more fun with their Valorant mechanics, practically making them a more aggressive Omen or a tactical Reyna. Players who want to train their smoke plays can use Ruse (Signature) to release up to two smoke clouds via a Brimstone-style tactical map. Clove can even extend their utility after death, as Ruse allows them to release smoke clouds within their body’s vicinity – potentially aiding in post-Plant retakes and defense.
In combat, Clove can rely on Meddle (Basic 2) to Decay enemies with a bursting orb, paving the way for faster kills. This works perfectly with their Pick-Me-Up (Basic 1), gives them a 100 HP Overheal and a much-needed speed boost for faster next kills. Upon death, Not Dead Yet (Ultimate) lets them get a temporary 12-second revive that becomes permanent if they assist or kill someone. The aggro-oriented kit of Clove can make them a perfect training ground for more serious smoke plays or tactical gunfights, allowing newcomers to get used to both Controllers and Duelists at once.
16 Harbor
Dominate Wall Control With An Assortment Of Waves
Role |
Controller |
Basic Ability 1 |
Cascade: Fire to send a wave of water that becomes a wall. Enemies hit are Slowed for 30%. Lasts 7s. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Cove: Release a sphere of shielding water. 500HP, 0.8 windup, 15s Duration. |
Signature Ability |
High Tide: Create a wall of water. Fire to send forward, Alt-Fire to curve. Players hit are Slowed for 30%. 2s Windup, 40s Duration. |
Ultimate Ability |
Reckoning: Summon a geyser pool on the ground. Enemies are targeted by successive geyser strikes. Affected enemies get Concussed for 2s. Ability has 9s Duration. |
Walling remains one of the most essential skills of a Valorant Agent and is something that Harbor can teach with his wave-heavy kit. At its core, walls can block enemy sight from entries (and fake entries), allowing Harbor and his teammates to secure sites for entry and defense in a myriad of ways. Key to his arsenal is his High Tide (Signature), perhaps the most flexible wall in the game for its ability to both curve and adjust based on elevation. With the right aim, Harbor can have High Tide block either “hell” or a “heaven” in a location with vertical spaces.
Harbor can also rely on a “smaller” wall via Cascade (Basic 1) which moves in front of him and can be stopped at will, perfect for pushes and fake pushes. He can throw an orb with Cove (Basic 2) that surrounds an area in a temporarily bullet-proof dome, perfect for protecting planting and defusing allies, as well as becoming a pseudo-smoke. Lastly, his Reckoning (Ultimate) envelops an area with water that triggers a concussion in areas enemies are standing on, making it unadvisable for them to remain in the area.
17 Fade
Master Enemy Detection And Debuff Stacking To Punish Foes
Role |
Initiator |
Passive |
Terror Trail: Abilities that apply Terror Trail will Mark enemies and can be tracked by Prowlers. |
Basic Ability 1 |
Prowler: Send a Prowler (60HP) forward, Hold Fire to steer. Auto-Chases a Terror Trail and Nearsights the closest enemy for 2.75s. Lasts for 2.5s. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Seize: Fire to throw and drops down after a set-time. Re-Use to activate early. Nearby enemies are Held. In this state, they are Deafened, Tethered, and Decayed for 75HP (restores over 5s). |
Signature Ability |
Haunt: Throw and release a Haunting Watcher (1HP). Drops down after a set time. Re-Use to activate early. Reveals enemies and creates Terror Trails on them. 2s windup, 12s Terror Trail, 40s Duration. |
Ultimate Ability |
Nightfall: Unleash a wave of unstoppable nightmare energy. Enemies are Marked by Terror Trails (12s), Deafened, and Decayed (75HP, restored over 12s). |
Able to manipulate fear itself, Fade can deter enemy assaults with her skills, forcing them to push back into site with her Initiator kit that debuffs foes close to her. Crucial to her kit are her Terror Trails (Passive), which Mark enemies with dark mist should they get seen by her throwable Haunt (Signature). On top of Marking enemies, the Haunt is a nifty detection tool as it’s disabled when destroyed, which still detects opponents in the vicinity.
Should Fade players find the right setup for surprise Haunt throws, the rest of her kit can help the team punish opponents. While she can control the direction of her Prowler (Basic 1), it can automatically chase a Marked enemy and Nearsight them. She can also throw Seize (Basic 2), which not only temporarily stuns enemies but also makes them Deafened and Decayed for 75 HP. Lastly, Nightfall (Ultimate) combines Prowler and Seize into a wave, Marking all enemies alongside inflicting Decay and Deafen.
18 Killjoy
Learn To Lockdown Sites With Deployable Robots
Role |
Sentinel |
Basic Ability 1 |
Nanoswarm: Equip and throw a grenade. Molly becomes inert (20HP) when thrown. Alt-Fire to lob. Activate to deploy damaging swarm that deals 45 Damage per second over 4s. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Alarmbot: Fire a bot that becomes covert (50HP). It hunts down enemies and applies 4s Vulnerable when it catches an enemy. Hold Equip to recall. |
Signature Ability |
Turret: Release a turret (100HP) that fires at enemies within a 180-degree cone. Alt-Fire to swap turret direction. Hold Equip to recall. 45s Reload (Destroyed), 20s Reload (Recalled). Releases 3-shot bursts. Damage per Shot are: 8 Damage (0-20m), 6 Damage (20-35m), 4 Damage (35+m) |
Ultimate Ability |
Lockdown: Deploy a Lockdown device (200HP) that Detains enemies after a countdown. Timer can be stopped when the device is destroyed. 13s windup, 8s Detain. |
Possessing a kit perfect for defensive plays in Valorant gameplay, Killjoy and her robots can transform areas into death traps once enemies try to breach them. And while Killjoy’s static-heavy gameplay is made fun of in memes about opponents “never entering her site,” this setback will train players on planning setups for rotations. Ideally, Killjoy can leave her Turret (Signature) stationed in one site while she defends another, which is where the rest of her kit comes into play.

Valorant: Best Ultimates, Ranked
Each in-game avatar has an Ultimate that is stronger than their other abilities, but the best Valorant Ultimates are in a league of their own.
Upon deployment, her Alarmbot (Basic 1) notifies her of enemy trespassers while making them take more damage via temporary Vulnerability. This works in tandem with her Nanoswarm (Basic 2), which transforms a surface into a damage-over-time radius that may kill opponents who stay there long enough. Lastly, Killjoy can deploy her Lockdown (Ultimate) at any point in the map, extending into a large radius that locks the enemy in place for a while when caught.
19 Brimstone
Master Map Control With Smokes And Familiar FPS Tools
Role |
Controller |
Basic Ability 1 |
Stim Beacon: Release a Stim Beacon that gives Combat Stim (+10% Equip, Recovery, Reload Speed; +15% Fire Rate, Speed Boost) for 12s |
Basic Ability 2 |
Incendiary: Launch to fire a grenade that detonates when it lands on the floor, creating a blast zone. 7s duration, 60 Damage per second. |
Signature Ability |
Sky Smoke: Open a tactical map that lets Brimstone release smoke clouds. Fire to set, Alt-Fire to launch. 19.25s Duration. |
Ultimate Ability |
Orbital Strike: Open a tactical map and select a location for an orbital strike. 2s windup, 3s duration, 20 Damage per tick for 6.67 ticks per second. |
Fans of tool-heavy Call of Duty games get the closest approximation to a special forces soldier with Brimstone, leader of the Valorant Protocol. As the first Controller players have access to, Brimstone’s kit trains players in some of the most fundamental aspects of Valorant gameplay: angling mollies, smoke-based map control, and timing ally buffs. Brimstone being a Controller in particular emphasizes team guidance through Sky Smoke (Signature), arguably the most accessible mini-map smoking mechanic among members of the Role.
Meanwhile, Brimstone can also aid pre-entry with Stim Beacon (Basic 2) that boosts teammates’ speed (movement, equip, reload, recovery) and fire rate, which can prove crucial in encounters. The Controller can also deal AOE in tight spots with his ricocheting Incendiary (Basic 1), or assume full control over an area with a large-scale Orbital Strike (Ultimate) that guarantees death to enemies who stay in its radius.
20 Phoenix
Train Walls, Flashes That Lead To Precision Kills
Role |
Duelist |
Passive |
Heating Up: Heal for up to 50HP per own ability when standing on fire. |
Basic Ability 1 |
Blaze: Create a line of flame that becomes a wall. Alt-Fire to curve. 8s duration, 30/s Damage. |
Basic Ability 2 |
Curveball: Equip a flare orb that flashes upon activation. Fire to curve to the left, Alt-Fire to curve to the right. -0.5s windup, 1.5s Flash. |
Signature Ability |
Hot Hands: Equip and throw a fireball that explodes after 3.25s windup. Alt-Fire to lob. 60 Damage per second. |
Ultimate Ability |
Run It Back: Place a marker in Phoenix’s location. Dying or timer expiration will bring Phoenix back to the timer with Full Health and Armor prior to Ult. |
Players who want to master outplaying enemies in Valorant gameplay without relying on Jett’s movement-reliant kit should consider training with Phoenix. Thanks to his fire-based healing via Heating Up (Passive), his risk-heavy moveset is rewarded with survivability. Moreover, the direction-heavy nature of his kit can train players in both map control and precision-targeting for his utilities.
Phoenix’s nature as an offensive Duelist usually leads to two playstyles: a straightforward push with a visual-denying Blaze (Basic 1) wall that deals damage when passed through, or surprise Blinds with angling Curveballs (Basic 2) that take advantage of a player’s aim upon entry. The Duelist can further manipulate the battlefield with Hot Hands (Signature) that releases a damaging fire pit, or go all-out with Run It Back (Ultimate), which is practically a timed second life for clutch plays.
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