Monsters equal prizes, and prizes equal domination. Attacking the monsters efficiently can bring you a strong advantage when growing within Lords Mobile, assuming that that’s your goal.
Here’s my guide. Feel free to argue in the comments below. If you dare… Also, this is an evolving article. Keep visiting. We will eventually get through all the details of every monster. Some of the articles have mega article links. Scroll down to see if it’s available yet.
Also, follow me on Twitter for the latest news and cheats on Lords Mobile. OR ELSE! If you don’t follow me or share this article, I will track you down, and stare sharply at you.
List of Monsters
Tips for Monster Hunting
First thing, first. Join a guild. You can’t hunt monsters without first belonging to a guild.
What are the monsters?
Good question. Across each kingdom, there are randomized tiles with monsters upon them. These monsters remain in the same location and for some reason don’t move… Go figure. Your objective is to kill them.
Use your heroes to take the monsters out. You can only send out one group to monster hunt at any given time.
In addition to making your heroes stronger, here are the additional ways to improve your monster hunt attack power:
- Use the correct heroes against the correct monster (see the guide below)
- Use the Monster Hunting Gear (Workshop) for P2P players
- Upgrade the Monster Research (Academy)
- Attack the monster with one hunt at a time and keep coming back again (instead of maxing out all in one shot)
- Get your entire guild to team up on one large monster
- Watch out for monster-hunting thieves from other guilds.
- If another guild steals a monster from your guild, give them absolute hell.
Serpent Gladiator
Ok. This monster looks pretty awesome. I’m usually a tough audience, but in this case, I’ll hand it to IGG. This monster is fantastic!

F2P Serpent Gladiator Lineup: Incinerator, Elementalist, Snow Queen, Bombin Goblin, and Sage of Storms
P2P Serpent Gladiator Lineup: Child of Light, Elementalist, Petite Devil, Lore Weaver, and Dream Witch
Arctic Flipper
This monster looks like it comes from a children’s game. Think 4-6 year olds. Regardless, here’s what you need to kill it. Remember, attack this monster with magical heroes!

F2P Lineup: The lineup for F2P is Incinerator, Bombin Goblin, Elementalist, Snow Queen, and Sage of Storms
P2P Lineup for Arctic Flipper: Storm Fox, Twilight Priestess, Petite Devil, Dream Witch, and Witch Doll
Ok. The new monster on the list is a magic hero. There’s a lot to talk about in this one, but you didn’t come here for speeches. Here’s the linup for the Necrosis.

Necrosis Line Up: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Child of Light, Elementalist, and Prima Donna.
Necrosis P2P Hero Lineup: Storm Fox, Incinerator, Elementalist, Petite Devil, Lore Weaver
Click the Necrosis Cheatsheet link to learn everything that you need to know about monster hunting this thing…

The Terrorthon is a flower monster with large yellow teeth and a desire to eat and throw seeds at heroes. Yes, this is one strange monster. Personally, I think I’d rather see Freddy Krueger in a nightmare than this plant monster.
This monster is strong against heroes that have a high magic attack. So don’t use MATK, use regular ATK.
There are a few good hero combinations to use. Assuming that all the following heroes are maxed to your current standing, I would recommend the following.

Terrorthorn Line Up: Black Crow, Scarlet Bolt, Demon Slayer, Trickster, and Death Archer.
Pay to Play Terrorthorn Lineup: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Femme Fatale, Shade, and Black Crow.
Do you want the full guide to the Terrorthorn? Click here to read the entire Cheatsheet for the Terrorthorn.
Tidal Titan

The Tidal Titan reminds me of the slow-moving old man going 30/kph in his overly-polished car in a 100/kph zone…
The Tidal Titan has incredible resistance to physical attacks. You have to kill it with a magic attack. The heroes with the strongest magic attack will have the most success in destroying this monster.
A lot of the success against this monster will depend on luck. Sometimes you’ll score high with a hero lineup and then get a different score with the exact same lineup.

Line Up: Incinerator, Sage of Storms, Sea Squire, Elementalist, and Snow Queen.
P2P Lineup: Storm Fox, Petite Devil, Elementalist, Incinerator, and Dream Witch.

The Noceros looks like a strange-looking rhino that was zapped with a bolt of neon lightning and then drugged out of its mind. This Lords Mobile World is weird sometimes… You need to attack it with magic. If you hit it with strength, you will barely be able to have any effect…
For beginner players, I would strongly recommend spending all your energy on this monster. The gear that you can get with the Noceros loot will help you with construction, research, and food gathering. Maxing out this hero and then getting the correct equipment is critical for gameplay.
UPDATE: I’ve created a mega cheatsheet article on Noceros Monster Hunting. Click this link for the Noceros Cheatsheet.

Line Up: Incinerator, Sea Squire, Bombin’ Goblin, Sage of Storms, and Snow Queen
Alt Line up: (If you’ve maxed your Fairy) Incinerator, Fairy, Bombin’ Goblin, Sage of Storms, and Snow Queen
P2P Lineup: Incinerator, Petite Devil, Witch Doll, Elementalist, and Dream Witch
Mega Maggot

Think of that old lady in your community who stares at everyone – preparing – and waiting to spring right into a debate. This Mega Maggot looks the same but isn’t as ugly. You’ll need magic to take on this shrew…
Make sure you use heroes who deal magic damage. Don’t use regular attacking heroes!!!

Line up: Incinerator, Sea Squire, Bombin’ Goblin, Sage of Storms, and Snow Queen.
Alternative Lineup: Incinerator, Sage of Storm, Bombin Goblin, Incrementalist, and Snow Queen.
P2P Lineup: Incinerator, Petite Devil, Storm Fox, Elementalist, Dream Witch

Think of a cockroach that flies. Now imagine that there are two that have somehow combined into one mega monstrosity. Enter the Blackwing.
How do you kill it? Simple. Squash it really hard with your heel. Or use a lot of physical might against it. Read my complete Cheatsheet to Blackwing to learn the BEST lineups to use for all the different levels!
Pretend this monster is a lampshade and attack it with a baseball bat. In other words, no magic – and only attack. You’ll need heroes who can give a punch.

Line Up: Black Crow, Tracker, Demon Slayer, Trickster, and Death Archer
P2P Lineup: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Femme Fatale, Tracker, and Black Crow.
Grim Reaper

The Grim Reaper is what every block on Halloween looks like. Trite and therefore amusing… And just as she fails to scare so does she fail to deliver.
To take her down, you need to attack her with brute force. Physical attack damage will kill her easily. Don’t use magic to try and kill her!
Do you want more info? Click here to read the Grim Reaper Cheatsheet to learn everything that you need to know about killing the Grim Reaper!

Line Up: Trickster, Scarlet Bolt, Demon Slayer, Tracker, and Death Archer.
ALT Line Up: Tracker, Death Archer, Trickster, Black Crow, and Demon Slayer.
P2P Grim Reaper: Black Crow, Scarlet Bolt, Demon Slayer, Femme Fatale, and Death Archer.
Queen Bee

It’s big and ugly and needs to be destroyed. The Queen Bee needs a special technique to get rid of it. Here is the strategy that I found works best. Please feel free to argue on your own website with your own group of followers. Or you can argue below. Just be warned, you are probably wrong… I’m almost usually always correct.
Click here to read the complete guide and cheatsheet to the Queen Bee.

Line up: Demon Slayer, Death Archer, Tracker, Black Crow, and Trickster.
Pay to Play Players Lineup: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Femme Fatale, Tracker, and Black Crow.

It is supposed to look ferocious. I guess it does. But with the right magic power, you can take it down like salt on ice cream. There is great advanced gear that you can create with the Saberfang so prepare to spend plenty of energy killing this monster.
Click here for the cheatsheet and guide for the Saberfang.

Line Up: Incinerator, Prima Donna, Sea Squire, Sage of Storms, and Elementalist
Alt Lineup: Incinerator, Prima Donna, Sea Squire, Sage of Storms, and Bombin Goblin
Level 1 – Level 5 P2P Lineup: Incinerator, Petite Devil, Storm Fox, Elementalist, and Dream Witch

This monster is so ferocious that it needs to – apparently – only be taken down with magic. I’m not buying this story… I hope you’re not! But, if you don’t want to kill this monster you will have to use magic. Also, can someone please explain to me how this animal carries itself on its small skinny legs? The proportions of the Gargantua are almost as believable as the Lore Weaver.

Logical Lineup: Incinerator, Sea Squire, Bombin’ Goblin, Sage of Storms, and Snow Queen.
My Personal Lineup: Incinerator, Sea Squire, Bombin’ Goblin, Sage of Storms, and Prima Donna.
P2P Lineup: Twilight Priestess, Incinerator, Elementalist, Petite Devil, Dream Witch.
Also, click here to read the Gargantua Cheatsheet and Advanced Guide to Killing the Gargantua. The information mentioned on this page is just for lame simple-minded people…
Snow Beast

For the most part, the graphics on Lords Mobile is quite good. Enter the grand exception: the Snow Beast. There is something choppy and uncanny-valley about this monster. It is the stuff of nightmares. I think the artists were going for “fun and playful” and instead awoke deep-seated childhood traumas…
Regardless, this monster needs a regular attack. Attack it with the high-powered heroes. Magic is a waste of time against the Snow Beast. Why? I’m not sure…

Lineup: Black Crow, Tracker, Demon Slayer, Trickster, and Death Archer.
P2P Lineup: Black Crow, Scarlet Bolt, Femme Fatale, Grove Guardian, Black Crow.
Hell Drider

The Hell Drider is one of the most popular monsters to attack in Lords Mobile. It generates Burning Scrolls and that will require a lot of Mutated Brains. A strategic attack is the best way to win.
Click here for the complete guide and Heel Drider Cheatsheet for annihilating the Hell Drider.
Think of a crab. Think of a weird guy with 8 yellow eyes. Now get rid of that thought and replace it with something else entirely. Enter the Hell Drider. The monster who hits people with double-layered lamp-posts and who has lower teeth that risk poking his eyes. The Hell Drider is what happens when Doctor Octopus and the Balrog from Lords of the Rings have a baby.
This monster needs to be destroyed by your strongest attack heroes. Obviously, if one particular hero is maxed it may be more useful than my suggestions below, and so compare.

Online, there seem to be blogs and videos saying to use only magic heroes or partly magic heroes… DO NOT USE MAGIC HEROES! They will get annihilated…
Lineup: Trickster, Scarlet Bolt, Demon Slayer, Tracker, and Black Crow.
P2P Lineup: Femme Fatale, Mastercook, Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, and Black Crow!
Voodoo Shaman

Remind you of a character from a movie? Yes, me too. Hopefully, Marvel doesn’t after IGG 🙂 Baby Groot may be fun, but I can guarantee you that the corporate lawyers aren’t.
The lineup that is most effective, after testing, is the might-attack heroes with plenty of archers… Don’t send magic heroes! Gosh!

Lineup: Trickster, Scarlet Bolt, Demon Slayer, Tracker, and Black Crow.
P2P Lineup: Demon Slayer, Ethereal Guide, Mastercook, Tracker, and Black Crow.
NEW!!! Here’s the Complete Cheatsheet for the Voodoo Shaman. You’re welcome!
Mecha Trojan

The Trojan horse looks like anything but a Trojan horse. Which idiot would see this monster and say, “Hey this looks innocent, let’s invite the Mecha Trojan into our castle for lunch”?
Seriously, Lords Mobile, get your act together. You covered the wooden horse with spikes, for crying-out-loud!
The Mecha Trojan is weak against magic. You will also need to have healing magic to keep your heroes going. Lore Weaver and Prima Donna are great additions. Don’t send Demon Slayer or Shade. I don’t care what the other bloggers and Youtubers say!!!
If you want to learn EVERYTHING about it, feel free to read my complete Mecha Trojan Cheatsheet for the complete lineups and rewards.

Lineup: Sage of Storms, Elementalist, Incinerator, Snow Queen and Prima Donna
P2P Lineup: Storm Fox, Incinerator, Petite Devil, Elementalist, and Snow Queen.

It may contain great gear, but the Gryphon is one overused magical creature. The lion mixed with the eagle. Seriously? They should have also made a giant monster who is really dumb as well. Oh, never mind, they did that too.
There are many theories on which attack lineup works best on the Gryphon. I’m a big believer in the strong ATK lineup. If you’ve tested stun heroes and had success (like other websites claims) tell me in the comments below. So far, I don’t see it…
I’ve finally made an Advance Gryphon Monster Hunting Cheatsheet. Click the link to learn how to effectively destroy the Gryphon.

Lineup: Black Crow, Tracker, Scarlet Bolt, Trickster, and Death Archer.
P2P Hero Lineup: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Tracker, Mastercook, and Blackcrow.
Bon Appeti

Think fat suit + angel wings + very white eyes. Enter the Bon Appeti, the monster who turns people into food. I’m not sure who in IGG is responsible for thinking up the monsters, but they have a lot of unresolved issues to iron out. There are so many motifs going on in this monster it is downright confusing…
This monster is a tricky one. Pick the might lineup but don’t do trickster. That’s the best result so far. I’ll update it if I change my mind… Spoiler Alert: I’ve changed my mind. Click the Ultimate Bon Appeti Cheatsheet to learn my updated opinion on the Bon Appeti!

Lineup: Black Crow, Scarlet Bolt, Demon Slayer, Tracker, and Death Archer.
P2P Lineup: Same as above!

Hardrox? Really? So because it is a monster that is made of rocks, it is called Hardrox? Seriously!!!!!!! AHHHHHH. This is getting a little infuriating. This monster barely qualifies to be called a dancing flowerpot. I don’t think this design even deserves to be on the side of any of the scenes from the Temple Run App.
This monster is tough to kill and to be honest, I will probably change my opinion on it. It claims to only be defeated by magic and yet the physical heroes seem to really hurt it (when mixed with magical heroes). The conclusion is that magic is far better!
Hardrox Lineup: Prima Donna, Elementalist, Sage of Storms, Incinerator, and Snow Queen.
P2P Hardrox Lineup: Twilight Priestess, Incinerator, Petite Devil, Elementalist, and Dream Witch.
Do you want to have the complete lineup for the Hardrox for every level? Read the Hardrox Cheatsheet to learn EVERYTHING that you need to know!
Jade Wyrm

The dragon and the ball. I give them 10 points for originality. NOT. Apparently, they’ve taken a trope and flown with it. They really have dropped the ball with the Jade Wyrm. Mind the pun. At least the graphics aren’t disastrous…
Based on their description it seems that this monster needs to be attacked by power. The truth is that the Magical attack is far more effective. Don’t use Non-Magic Heroes!!!
Here’s my COMPLETE guide for the Jade Wyrm. Learn which heroes to send for each level, and also discover the gear to get!

Hero Lineup: Incinerator, Sea Squire, Bombin Goblin, Sage of Storms, and Prima Donna
Power Hero Lineup: Black Crow, Tracker, Scarlet Bolt, Trickster, and Death Archer. Only use this lineup if the above lineup doesn’t work!
P2P Lineup: Storm Fox, Incinerator, Petite Devil, Elementalist, and Dream Witch.

Weighing in at 60 tonnes in the first corner is the Frostwing. Its ferocious demeanor is enough to scare away any competitors. In the other corner are your 5 heroes, hardly maxed up to green. No wonder you are taking 10 shots to kill a Number 1 Frostwing…
Here’s the Full Cheatsheet for the Monster Hunting the Frostwing. This article will give you ALL the information that you’ll need to know.

Hero Lineup: Black Crow, Tracker, Scarlet Bolt, Trickster and Death Archer.
P2P Hero Lineup: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Femme Fatale, Death Archer, and Black Crow.

The Hootclaw is a Magical ATK Lineup Monster. Yay. Another Monster? No! This one just replaced the gear on two important sets! Read more about it on my full Cheatsheet for the Hootclaw. Check it out!
In the meantime, here are the simple lineups for this monster.
Hootclaw F2P Hero Lineup: Elementalist, Child of Light, Incinerator, Prima Donna, and Sage of Storms.

Hootclaw P2P Hero Lineup: Storm Fox, Elementalist, Incinerator, Petite Devil, and Child of Light.

A new monster that looks like a castle… How dumb can IGG get? Anyways, this monster will require you to focus on your ATK gear instead of Magical ATK. Click here to read the ENTIRE Cottageroar Cheatsheet to learn about the best hero lineups for every level monster and which gear to get!

This lineup will probably be updated but here’s what I have so far…
Cottageroar Hero Lineup: Black Crow, Tracker, Shade, Trickster, and Death Archer
Armored Soul

A new special monster came out as part of a collaboration between Lords Mobile and Armored Combat Worldwide. Armored Soul is a group of battle-hardened ancient knights who fight for Nox, the Goddess of Darkness. Click here to read the full Armored Soul Cheatsheet and learn the F2P and P2P line up for this monster.
F2P Hero Lineup: Prima Donna, Incinerator, Sage of Storms, Elementalist, Bombin’ Goblin.

P2P Hero Lineup: Incinerator, Elementalist, Storm Fox, Dream Witch, Petite Devil.

Final Thought
Are you a serious Lords Mobile player? Feel free to read the other articles on dominating Lords Mobile.
Or you can ignore all my advice and continue being bad at Lords Mobile. See if I care… Spoiler alert: I don’t!
And, for crying out loud, follow me on Twitter! Or else I will hunt you down and zero your castle.
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