Each tiny addition revealed for the Terraria 1.4.5 update makes me even more excited for its impending arrival. Developer Re-Logic is continuing its trend of turning a proposed minor set of tweaks into a full-blown, comprehensive overhaul filled with upgrades and new items. In its Terraria State of the Game for October 2024, head of business strategy Ted ‘Loki’ Murphy rounds out the spookiest month of the year with a handful of fresh spoilers for one of the best PC games of all time.
To kick off the post, Murphy confirms that Terraria sales have now passed 60 million, with 33 million of those being for the PC version. “Simply put, we could not do what we do every day while maintaining the principles we hold so dearly without your support,” he says. “Thank you doesn’t do it justice – rest assured we aim to keep being worthy of that support.”
As such, he notes that the team’s long-held “it’s ready when it’s ready” mantra means there’s still no Terraria 1.4.5 release date yet, but we still get a look at some new additions coming to the sandbox game when the update arrives.

The first is a new use for Life Fruit. This naturally occurring Jungle plant is a common sight once you reach Terraria’s hardmode, the second half of the game’s progression. It lets you boost your maximum health up from 400 to 500, and as of Terraria 1.4.4 can also be used to claim a one-time, permanent boost to your defenses.
Now, however, you’ll be able to use all that leftover Life Fruit that usually lingers in your chests to craft Jungle Juice, a potion that restores 180 health – placing it between the Greater Healing Potions (which heal 150) used to craft it and the very endgame Super Healing Potions (which regain 200).
The second update is a very welcome change that was gently teased during the tenth-anniversary celebrations of the Terraria community forums, but has now been confirmed. When rapidly reforging your weapons at the Goblin Tinkerer, it will stop attempting to reroll the item’s modifiers when you hit a best-in-class tier, displaying a clear visual effect. That means you can zoom your way through crafting in search of that Legendary melee weapon roll without fear you’ll accidentally click past it.
That’s all for this month’s update, although you can take a closer look at Jungle Juice in action via the extended community post. Personally, I’m very glad for both additions. Crafting just got a lot less scary, and Jungle Juice should be a great way to both clear out your Life Fruit stocks and prepare to take on the Celestial Pillars before you collect enough of their shards to branch out into Super Potions.
If you simply can’t wait until 1.4.5 arrives, here are the best Terraria mods in 2024 for plenty of ways to dramatically change the game. Or find new people to play with and hop into one of the best Terraria servers instead.
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