Last year’s Modern Warfare 3 brought the franchise to a low point, showing us just how much Warzone content can be lazily repurposed in place of fresh, new experiences. 2023’s lukewarm installment left little excitement, and tempered expectations, leading up to the launch of Black Ops 6. Treyarch and Raven Software have put their heads together on the latest entry and the result is… surprisingly enjoyable. Black Ops 6 didn’t have a high bar to clear thanks to its predecessor, but it manages to come out on top with ease due to a thrill-filled campaign and a more traditional Zombies experience. That’s not to say that the formulaic aspects of this long-running series aren’t still overly familiar and safe, but this iteration is more of a return to form for Call of Duty. – IS
Should the Recon Combat Specialty Be Removed From Black Ops 6? Some Players Are Tired of It

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