Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare

Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
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Once players start exploring the world of Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, they’ll often stumble into areas that spawn a mythical creature nearby to attack John. The whole world of this spooky DLC is inhabited by them, and there are also rewards tied to taking them down. The Sasquatch is also one of those mythical creatures players encounter in one of the first missions of Undead Nightmare DLC.

Although the Sasquatch doesn’t randomly spawn in an area like the Chupacabra, there’s a complete mission dedicated to hunting them down. The mission starts off as fairly simple but ends on a somber note, and its conclusion depends on the player’s choice. This guide details how to begin the mission and how find Sasquatch in Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare.

Red Dead Redemption: All Undead Nightmare DLC Cheat Codes

Check out all the cheat codes in Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare DLC that players can use to unlock outfits and various gameplay enhancements.

Where To Find Sasquatch In Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare

Players can find Sasquatch during the “Birth of the Conservation Movement” side mission in Tall Trees (West Elizabeth territory) of Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare. You can actually go to Tall Trees at the start of the game, unlike Mexico, which unlocks early on comparatively.

The Sasquatch mission will unlock once players complete ”
Curious Tales from Blackwater,
” the first undead mission in
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare

Here are the steps required to find all the Sasquatch and complete the “Birth of the Conservation Movement” side mission in Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare.

  1. Head north toward Tall Trees to start the mission “Birth of the Conservation Movement.”
  2. After reaching the area, John will spot a Frontiersman shooting his rifle in the wilderness and talking about Sasquatches. This will start the mission to hunt down five Sasquatches in Tall Trees.

    Players can choose to kill the Frontiersman to get their hands on his Rolling Block Rifle (sniper). There are no negative repercussions of doing so.

  3. After heading into the woods, players will find the first four Sasquatches roaming around the forest. All you have to do is investigate the area inside the green circles and hear the sound of the Sasquatch.
  4. After taking down four Sasquatches (using Dead Eye is preferred), the map will point out the general location for the last one. Head into the location, and you’ll find the final Sasquatch sitting under a tree on the bank of a river.
  5. Approaching the Sasquatch starts a confrontation where it tells a somber tale while John only accuses its kind of eating babies.
  6. After the conversation ends, the mission will be completed, regardless of if you choose to take down the last Sasquatch or not. It’s totally up to the players if they want to do it.

Video Walkthrough Of Birth Of The Conservation Movement

That’s how players can find Sasquatch in Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare. The reward for completing the mission is the Undead Hunter Outfit Scrap. If players kill the Frontiersman at the start of the mission, they’ll also leave with the Rolling Block Rifle.

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