Pokemon GO: Mega Banette Raid Guide

Pokemon GO: Mega Banette Raid Guide

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Raids are constantly coming and going in Pokemon GO with the inclusion of so many recurring and one-off special events that take place each season. Mega Battle Raids in Pokemon GO can be some of the most challenging PvE fights to tackle, and taking the time to form a solid strategy and strong team composition with suitable counterpicks is a great approach to giving yourself an advantage before the fight begins.

Each Mega Pokemon has its own unique strengths and weaknesses based on its stats and Type, so it’s important for Pokemon GO Trainers to study up before entering any fights. Mega Banette is just one of many Pokemon that can appear as a featured specimen in Mega Raids, providing a challenge for Trainers to take on. Find out everything you’ll need to know to prepare for battle against Mega Banette, including core weaknesses and resistances and the best counters for this Pokemon, in the guide below.

Updated on November 1, 2024, by Grace Black: Mega Banette has returned to Mega Raids as part of Pokemon GO’s Max Out Season. For this reason, this guide has been refreshed with all the latest information, tips, and tricks that can assist you in successfully taking down Mega Banette.

Mega Banette Weaknesses & Resistances in Pokemon GO

Mega Banette in Pokemon GO

In Pokemon GO, Mega Banette is a pure Ghost-type Pokemon. With this Type, Mega Banette is strong when facing off against Pokemon of the Fighting, Bug, Poison, and Normal Types thanks to its resistances. For this reason, it’s best that players avoid using such Pokemon in their team composition to not put themselves at a disadvantage.

Mega Banette is also granted a boost in power when battling in Fog Weather . Trainers may wish to avoid participating in Raids within these areas when possible, to avoid increasing the game’s difficulty.

In addition to these resistances, Mega Banette also has several key weaknesses to Pokemon or strong moves of the Dark and Ghost Types. Trainers should use this information to select the most appropriate counters and build a team that will be capable of taking down Mega Banette to secure victory.

Pokemon GO: The Best Shadow Pokemon For Raids

Raids in Pokemon GO are easier to beat with a great team of Shadow Pokemon, especially if the player has these Pokemon on their team.

Best Mega Banette Counters in Pokemon GO

mega banette

By determining Mega Banette’s core weaknesses, players can pick out the strongest Pokemon of those Types, or Pokemon of other attributes who are capable of using super effective moves, and prepare them for battle. However, to get the most out of your selections, you will also need to ensure each Pokemon has a solid moveset equipped, which will make the most out of their Type advantage and therefore make the battle as easy as possible to complete.

A list of suitable counters has been identified below, as well as the best moveset for each Pokemon that can be used in defeating Mega Banette. However, if you don’t have access to these specific Pokemon, you can use them as inspiration for building your own team.

Best Mega Banette Counters


Fast Move

Charged Move

Mega Tyranitar


Brutal Swing

Mega Gengar


Shadow Ball

Shadow Tyranitar


Brutal Swing

Mega Houndoom


Foul Play

Dawn Wings Necrozma

Psycho Cut

Moongeist Beam

Mega Gyarados





Shadow Ball



Darkest Lariat



Brutal Swing

Mega Salamence



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