Final Fantasy 14’s latest live letter has been released, giving us an even further look at snazzy new content coming in Patch 7.1, which is titled Crossroads. We’ve got a lot of content coming in this patch, including more of the game’s MSQ, the first ever Chaotic Alliance Raid, and a brand-new dungeon, so we don’t have to spam Strayborough Deadwalk constantly in Expert Roulette, but the main attraction was arguably Dawntrail’s Alliance Raid series.
We already knew that this was going to be a crossover with Final Fantasy 11, titled Echoes of Vana’diel, and would revolve around Prishe and her slightly goofy new design. However, we have yet to see any actual gameplay outside very small teasers released by Square Enix and some images on The Patch 7.1 special website. Thankfully, Yoshi-P was on hand with a new Live Letter to give us a first look.
Final Fantasy 14 Gets First Look At Echoes Of Vana’Diel Alliance Raid
To start with, Yoshi-P jumped into the first area called Jueno’s Walk, which is essentially the main HUB city for Final Fantasy 11. This time, the city is filled with monsters, which are actually from Final Fantasy 11 too, so there’s a lot for fans of the game to recognize. Yoshi-P then shows us the Alliance Raid’s first boss, which is Prishe of the Distant Chains, a reference to the Chains of Promathia expansion in which Prishe was introduced.

We Need More Challenging Final Fantasy 14 Seasonal Events
Short and sweet FFXIV seasonal events are all well and good, but I want something more challenging again.
Yoshi-P then reveals that Echoes of Vana’diel will be an “event map”, which means that players will be able to revisit the location and have a little run around and explore for themselves. It sounds as though it will be similar to the Nier Raids in Shadowbringers, which plopped players in the Alliance Raid map for quests.
Finally, Yoshi-P showed off the Alliance Raid armor that players can earn, which looks pretty snazzy and is based on the Crystal Warriors from Final Fantasy 11. As for when you’ll actually be able to play this for yourself, it was confirmed in this stream that Final Fantasy 14 Patch 7.1 will release on November 12, which was rumored to be the date ever since the patch was announced in September. That’s less than two weeks until we get our first drop of content, and I cannot wait.

Square Enix’s popular MMO, Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn, has players step into the role of the Warrior of Light in the world of Eorzea. There, they find themselves testing their mettle against Primals, the Garlean Empire, the Ascians, and plenty of other threats.
This award-winning MMO now has multiple expansions to its name, with the most recent Endwalker expansion bringing the Hydaelyn/Zodiark arc to a close. Director and producer Yoshi-P has promised lots of plans for future content and the game has regular updates to keep players occupied.
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