Pokemon Go offers Raids when you’re adventuring within its app. Raids require Trainers to group up with others to take on extremely powerful and challenging Pokemon, rewarding you with the opportunity to catch and add that Pokemon to your team upon its defeat.

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Each month, some of the Pokemon that are seen in Raids change; traditionally, those that are stronger and appear in the higher-tiered Raid Battles. Pokemon Go will be making several Legendary and Mega-Evolved Pokemon available in Raids, each of these Pokemon appearing during specific times throughout the month. This guide will be updated monthly, so make sure to check back for the latest information regarding Pokemon Go Raiding.
Updated on November 1, 2024, by Christian Pellegrino: With a new month comes a change in the Pokemon found in Raids. We now know what to expect throughout the month of November, including Five-Star Raids, Mega Raids, Shadow Raids, and Raid Hours. This month will bring multiple returning Raid Pokemon, giving you the opportunity to catch each of them and add them to your Pokemon Go collection. Here’s everything you need to prepare for November 2024.
Five-Star Raids
Throughout the month of November, there will be several Pokemon appearing in Five-Star Raids, some appearing during the same week-long window as others. For November, this includes:
Each of these Five-Star Raid Pokemon will be available in Raids for at least a week, giving you plenty of time to Raid and catch each of these Legendary Pokemon. Below, you can find the precise window of time that each of these Pokemon will appear in Five-Star Raids during the month of November.
The start and end time for each window that these Pokemon appear in Raids will be at 10 am local time.
November 2024 Five-Star Raids |
Dates |
Pokemon |
Monday, November 4, 2024, to Monday, November 18, 2024 |
Lugia |
Monday, November 18, 2024, to Wednesday, November 27, 2024 |
Origin Forme Dialga Origin Forme Palkia |
Wednesday, November 27, 2024, to Tuesday, December 3, 2024 |
Zacian Zamazenta Regieleki Regidrago |
Lugia caught from Raid battles this month will know their Featured Charged Attack Aeroblast.
Also, Origin Forme Dialga and Palkia that are caught between November 18 (10am local time) and November 24 (11:59 pm local time) will have the chance of knowing their Signature Adventure Effect Moves.
Mega Raids
This month, you can expect to see five different Mega Evolutions in Pokemon Go Mega Raids. You will have the chance to encounter and catch both of these Pokemon throughout the month of November, each being available during set days and times.
For the month of November, Mega Manectric, Mega Salamence, Mega Beedrill, Mega Ampharos, and Mega Altaria will be appearing in Mega Raids.
In addition to earning an encounter with each of these Pokemon, you will be awarded Mega Energy for the Pokemon you defeat in these Raids — this is a resource used to obtain and use Mega Evolutions of your own.
These Pokemon will be available during different windows of time throughout this month, each provided below.
The start and end time for each window these Pokemon appear in Raids will be at 10 am local time.
November 2024 Mega Raids |
Dates |
Pokemon |
Monday, November 4, 2024, to Monday, November 11, 2024 |
Mega Manectric |
Monday, November 11, 2024, to Monday, November 18, 2024 |
Mega Salamence |
Monday, November 18, 2024, to Wednesday, November 27, 2024 |
Mega Beedrill Mega Ampharos |
Wednesday, November 27, 2024, to Tuesday, December 3, 2024 |
Mega Altaria |

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Elite Raids
Elite Raids will have you and other Trainers battle an extremely powerful Raid Pokemon, surpassing the difficulty of all other Raid tiers in the game.
In addition, these Raids differ from other Raids due to their in-person requirement, restricting the use of Remote Raid Passes when taking part in this new PvE feature.
This means that you will have to group up with other Trainers locally to successfully take out Pokemon in Elite Raids, as it will be impossible to complete solo.
For November 2024, there currently are no Elite Raid Days announced yet. That being said, an Elite Raid Day can always be added to the calendar, so make sure to keep your eye on Pokemon Go news and announcements throughout the month.
If there is an Elite Raid Day announced for November, you can expect to find the featured Pokemon in Elite Raids throughout the day, appearing at specific times on the day of the event.
Elite Raid Eggs will appear in Raids prior to the start of the Elite Raid Day, so make sure to take note of this when deciding on your location.

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Raid Hours
Pokemon Go will be hosting several Raid Hours throughout the month of November.
Taking place from 6pm local time to 7pm local time, there will be several Raids Hours throughout the month of November, taking place more frequently than previous months. Each of these Raid Hour events will feature a specific Five-Star Raid Pokemon, primarily Pokemon available in Raids during the month of November, including:
- Lugia
- Nihilego
- Tapu Koko
- Origin Forme Dialga
- Origin Forme Palkia
- Zacian
- Zamazenta
- Regieleki
- Regidrago
Functioning like past Raid Hours, the featured Pokemon will be the only Pokemon in Raids during this window of time, taking place more frequently than they normally do. These Pokemon and the date of their Raid Hours are provided below.
For the month of November, you will be rewarded with one Rare Candy XL each time you complete a Five-Star Raid during a Raid Hour in-person.
November 2024 Raid Hours |
Date |
Pokemon |
Wednesday, November 6, 2024 |
Lugia |
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 |
Lugia |
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 |
Nihilego |
Wednesday, November 20, 2024 |
Tapu Koko |
Thursday, November 21, 2024 |
Origin Forme Dialga |
Friday, November 22, 2024 |
Origin Forme Palkia |
Wednesday, November 27, 2024 |
Zacian Zamazenta Regieleki Regidrago |
On Wednesday, November 27, Zacian, Zamazenta, Regieleki, and Regidrago will all be available during the same Raid Hour event.
Shadow Raids
Shadow Raids are a new feature that was recently brought to Pokemon Go, Raids task you with defeating different Shadow Pokemon in exchange for a chance to catch and acquire them. Similar to Elite Raids, these Raids can only be done in person, not allowing participation through the use of Remote Raid Passes.
Additionally, as time passes in these Raids, the Shadow Pokemon will become enraged, increasing both their attacking and defensive stats. Enraged Shadow Pokemon can be subdued through the use of Purified Gems, returning their stats to their original levels.
For the month of November, you can expect to find Shadow Suicune in Shadow Raids during the weekends. Make sure you’re going into this Raid with the proper preparations because this will not be an easy battle.

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