Black Ops 6 Zombies Gobblegums explained

Black Ops 6 Zombies Gobblegums explained
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What are the best Black Ops 6 Zombies Gobblegums? Treyarch has brought back the Gobblegum system from Black Ops 3 for this year’s zombie game, providing you with a range of upgrades to aid you on your journey. Gobblegum dispensers appear on each map, and interacting with one could be pivotal in your goal to survive.

Even with the best Black Ops 6 weapons in your loadout, the hordes of undead can be a real challenge, luckily there are plenty of ways to boost your chances of survival in Black Ops 6 Zombies. Alongside perks and Augments, there are deadly Black Ops 6 Wonder Weapons that can be pushed even further with Gobblegums. Here are the best Black Ops 6 Zombie Gobblegums, including how to use them, and which ones you should pick.

The Zombies Wonderbar! Gobblegum highlighted in the Progression screen in Black Ops 6.

Best BO6 Zombies Gobblegums and packs

Gogglegums are broken down into rarity tiers: Rare, Epic, Legendary, Ultra, and Whimsical. Aside from Whimsical, which are focused primarily on humor, the higher the tier, the stronger the Gobblegum.

The trick to Gobblegum Packs is to use them in a particular order. While gums are dispensed at random, you can choose not to pick one up if you don’t get what you’re looking for since using the machine is free. The pack will simply go back into rotation, but the machine will go on cooldown.

The five best BO6 Zombies Gobblegums for a team-player.

Team-Player Pack

  • Idle Eyes
  • Kill Joy
  • Phoenix Up (alt. Nowhere But There)
  • Respin Cycle (alt. Stock Option)
  • Exit Strategy

If you know you’re doing all the heavy lifting and are usually reviving your teammates, this is the Gobblegum Pack for you, with Idle Eyes and Kill Joy helping the whole team when the hordes become overwhelming. Respin Cycle is a good choice to buff your weapon quickly, but Stock Option is a solid alternative for later in the game when every zombie is on you.

Nowhere but There is a great gum to have handy when your team goes down. Try to get them to crawl close to each other, and you can teleport to one of them and instantly revive everyone in the area. Phoenix Up is rarer, but so much better, capable of instantly reviving teammates anywhere on the map.

Exit Strategy can then be used if you’re the only one alive and just want to get the hell out – but you do still have to survive exfil.

The five best BO6 Zombies Gobblegums for someone who does often.

Self-Help Pack

  • Respin Cycle (alt. Wall Power)
  • Stock Option
  • Anywhere But Here
  • Idle Eyes
  • Soda Fountain (alt. On The House)

In contrast to the pack above, this one is a little less altruistic, but it might give your leader some rest if you’re the one who struggles most. If you get it early enough, Respin Cycle is great to use early on, providing you with a weapon boost from the Mystery Box, increasing your chances of survival. If you’re a Wall-Weapon fan, go for Wall Power or Wall to Wall Clearance instead.

Stock Option is one of the best all-round Gobblegums, stopping you from having to reload for one minute (or until you run out of ammo). Stock up before you use it if possible, then use this when you’re getting overwhelmed. If it’s too late, chomp on Anywhere But Here to teleport away from the situation.

Idle Eyes can also be used when you’re getting overwhelmed with zombies to give you a breather, let you reload, and thin out the herd while they’re stunned. Since you might not be earning as much Essence as others, Soda Fountain is a great choice for buffing your loadout for free. You could swap this one out with On the House or Perkaholic if you have them.

The five best BO6 Zombies Gobblegums for the best weapons loadout.

Weapon Pack

  • Stock Option
  • Wall to Wall Clearance
  • Wall Power
  • Respin Cycle (alt. Wonderbar!)
  • Crate Power

This one is a fantastic Gobblegum pack for boosting your weapon loadout. Ideally, you want Wall to Wall Clearance and Wall Power ready to go at the same time. Head to your wall weapon of choice, gobble Wall Power then Wall to Wall Clearance (ask your teammates not to buy anything for a moment), then immediately purchase your wall weapon. That’s a Pack-A-Punched gun for just ten Essence.

The same thing goes for Respin Cycle and Crate Power. Respin Cycle gives you the chance to grab a second decent weapon, this time from the Mystery Box. Wonderbar! – if you’ve got it – guarantees a Wonder Weapon. Whichever you go for, pairing it with Crate Power instantly Pack-A-Punches that weapon, too.

Finally, Stock Option boosts those guns when you need it most, taking ammo from your stockpile for a minute, so use it when your back’s up against the wall – perhaps literally. The difficulty with this pack is getting the right gums together, so you could alternatively replace Crate Power with Soda Fountain or Perkaholic which grant bonus perks. Perkaholic is technically the best here as it guarantees weapon perks, but it’s rarer than Soda Fountain.

The five best BO6 Zombies Gobblegums for an all-round gobblegum pack.

All-Rounder Pack

  • Stock Option
  • Perkaholic (alt. On The House)
  • Wonderbar! (alt. Respin Cycle)
  • Hidden Power
  • Near Death Experience (alt. Phoenix Up)

For a more well-rounded pack with some of our favorite candies, here’s our All-Rounder pack. It’s got some of the rarest gums in here, so we’ve put some alternatives as well.

As we’ve said a few times above, Stock Option is one of our absolutely favorite Gobblegums for the reasons we mentioned earlier. Free Fire is an alternative here, but it’s not that much better for a higher rarity. Perkaholic grants you every single Perk-A-Cola for free, while the more common On The House gives you one at random.

Wonderbar! is perhaps the best Gum, handing out a guaranteed Wonder Weapon from the Mystery Box. If you don’t have it, Respin Cycle gives you increased rarity at the Mystery Box instead. Hidden Power increases the rarity of one of your weapons to Legendary rarity. Unless you got particularly unlucky with Respin Cycle or happened to get your favorite gun, don’t use it on the same gun, as it almost renders Respin Cycle pointless.

Finally, Near Death Experience allows you or your teammates to be revived just by being near another player. This one’s tricky, as you can’t use it when downed, so to use it on yourself you have to know you’re in trouble, but it does last three minutes. The reason we’ve prioritized it over Phoenix Up is because it can be used on yourself or other.

A player clenches there fists as they stand in front of a Black ops 6 Zombies Gobblegum machine.

How to use Zombies Gobblegums

To use BO6 Zombies Gobblegums, first interact with any Gobblegum machine on the map. When dispensed, it tells you which gum you’ve drawn, but you must interact with it again to pick it up. To use the gum, press the associated button, select your gum, and consume.

Gobblegum doesn’t instantly trigger when you get it from the dispenser, you activate them when you need the effects. Unlike Black Ops 6 Perk-A-Colas, they only last for a limited-time. You can also carry up to three Gobblegums at a time, so stock up early, then use them when things get rough. The Gobblegum dispenser will let you draw three in your current loadout, and those gums are dispensed at random. If you refuse to take the Gobblegum, the pack gets cycled back into the rotation, and machine won’t be available to use for 300 seconds.

You can pull up the Gobblegum menu by pressing ‘Y’, then choosing which gum you want to use, providing you have more than one. However, it’s faster to hit the 1, 2, or 3 keys along the top of your keyboard to equip the relative gum. Using a controller, you need to tap right on the D-Pad to bring up the menu. This is quite a lengthy process, so if you’re trying to use a Gobblegum like Anywhere But Here amidst a throng of zombies, for example, you have to be quick.

The Black Ops 6 Zombies Gobblegum award overlay shows on screen to tell the player they've earned a new Gobblegum.

How to earn Gobblegums

Just because you’ve added a Gobblegum to your pack and loadout, doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to get it. Additional Gobblegums can be earned by purchasing packs in the shop, progressing, and, most frequently, by just playing Zombies. At the start of random rounds, you may see a screen overlay to say you’ve earned a new Gobblegum.

Gobblegums are single use, and you must earn them. For example, if you only have one Gobblegum and you consume it, you won’t have any left for the next match. The gum must be consumed to be lost, so you will keep any that you haven’t managed to use. The Gobblegums main menu shows how many you have available at any given time.

An official inforgraphic featuring all of the Black Ops 6 Zombies Gobblegums.

All Black Ops 6 Gobblegums


  • Stock Option – Ammo is taken from the user’s stockpile instead of their weapon magazine for three minutes.
  • Kill Joy – Spawn an Insta-Kill Power-Up.
  • Anywhere But Here – Instantly teleports the user to another location, blasting any nearby zombies there with concussion.
  • Cache Back – Spawn a Max Ammo Power-Up.
  • Temporal Gift – The next time-based Power-Up lasts longer.
  • Arsenal Accelerator – Charges the user’s Field Upgrade faster. Lasts for five minutes.
  • Shields Up – Refills armor on use, and armor is twice as strong. Lasts for three minutes.


  • Who’s Keeping Score – Spawn a Double Points Power-Up.
  • Free Fire – For 60 seconds, firing any weapon (apart from a Wonder Weapon) consumes no ammo.
  • Nowhere But There – Teleports the user to a random downed player and instantly revives all nearby teammates.
  • Soda Fountain – The next Perk-A-Cola purchased also gives an additional random perk.
  • Profit Sharing – For two minutes, some of the essence you earn is also received by nearby players and vice versa.
  • Respin Cycle – Respin the next Mystery Box weapon after settling to another of the same or higher rarity.
  • Exit Strategy – Activates exfil vote instantly, and reduces zombie spawns during exfil.


  • Idle Eyes – All zombies ignore players and stand still for 30 seconds.
  • Wall Power – The next wall-weapon purchased comes Pack-A-Punched.
  • Phoenix Up – Revive all teammates, and they keep their perks.
  • Crate Power – The next weapon taken from the Mystery Box comes Pack-A-Punched.
  • On the House – Spawn a Random Perk Power-Up.
  • Wall to Wall Clearance – All wall-weapon buys cost ten Essence for 30 seconds.
  • Immolation Liquidation – Spawn a Fire Sale Power-Up.


  • Perkaholic – Gives the player all available perks
  • Near Death Experience – Automatically revive, or be revived by, nearby players. Revived players keep all their perks.
  • Hidden Power – Upgrade your currently held weapon to Legendary rarity.
  • Wonderbar! – The next weapon from the Mystery Box is a guaranteed Wonder Weapon.
  • Reign Drops – Spawns all the core Power-Ups at once.


  • Newtonian Negation – For three minutes, zombies killed fall straight up.
  • Indiegestion – For three minutes, zombies killed experience extreme flatulence.

With the best Black Ops 6 Zombies Gobblegums in your loadout alongside the best Perk-A-Colas and Zombies Augments, you’ll have an incredible chance at hitting those high rounds. In fact, you could put your loadout to use completing the Liberty Falls main quest and the Terminus main quest, for which we have helpful walkthroughs for both.

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