Best Handgun Builds in Black Ops 6

Best Handgun Builds in Black Ops 6

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Black Ops 6 features a large roster of diverse weapons that players may find themselves customizing repeatedly to discover the best build. While most players may be focused on crafting top-tier Assault Rifles and Submachine Guns to compete in the Multiplayer meta, one particular class of weapons might just be overlooked: Handguns.

Handguns are a valuable addition to any player’s loadout, providing a reliable backup option for situations where reloading isn’t possible, and serving as an effective support weapon for Snipers when opponents get too close. While Handguns offer plenty of freedom when it comes to customization, some builds definitely stand out more than others. Here are the best Handgun builds for Black Ops 6.

CoD Black Ops 6: 10 Best Weapons, Ranked

There is a wide variety of different weapons in Black Ops 6, from Submachine Guns to Sniper Rifles. Here are the best weapons in Black Ops 6, ranked!

1 Akimbo Grekhovas

Dual Machine Pistols With a Fast TTK

Screenshot showcasing the best Akimbo Grekhova build in Black Ops 6

Grekhova Attachments:

  • Long Barrel (Barrel)
  • Extended Mag II (Magazine)
  • CQB Grip (Rear Grip)
  • Akimbo Grekhova (Stock)
  • Steady Aim Laser (Laser)

The above Grekhova build is an excellent choice for players wanting a high-damage Secondary that thrives in fast-paced gunfights. The standout attachment for this setup is the Akimbo Grekhova Stock, enabling players to dual-wield Handguns and effectively double their damage output. Naturally, this reduces accuracy as players are locked to hip-firing, making the Steady Aim Laser ideal for improving hip-fire spread.

Additional key attachments include the Long Barrel for maximum damage range and the CQB Grip, which boosts sprint-to-fire, slide-to-fire, and dive-to-fire speeds, allowing full use of Omnimovement. Lastly, the Extended Mag II is recommended. While some may choose Extended Mag I, the second version provides the same reductions to aim-down-sight, sprint-to-fire, and reload speeds while offering more ammunition.

2 Rapid Fire Stryder .22

Fast Firing Pistol With Solid Damage & Range

Screenshot showcasing the best Rapid Fire Stryder .22 build in Black Ops 6

Stryder .22 Attachments:

  • Suppressor (Muzzle)
  • Reinforced Barrel (Barrel)
  • Fast Mag II (Magazine)
  • Commando Grip (Rear Grip)
  • Rapid Fire (Fire Mods)

The next build is for the Stryder .22, focusing on range and precision over sheer firepower. The key attachment here is the Rapid Fire Firing Mod, which boosts the weapon’s fire rate without significantly affecting recoil control. This results in a faster time-to-kill (TTK), especially for players with a fast trigger finger. The Stryder .22 typically takes around three shots to kill at medium range, making this attachment essential for getting enough shots out to quickly deal with fast Submachine Guns.

The Reinforced Barrel is also recommended, as it maintains the same increased level of damage range as the Long Barrel while also boosting bullet velocity. Fast Mag II is another solid choice. With the Stryder’s already large magazine, this attachment adds a much-needed increase to reload speed, significantly improving handling. The Commando Grip is another must-have, allowing players to aim down sights and fire more quickly after sprinting. Lastly, with an extra attachment slot available, adding the Suppressor is a smart choice, as it keeps players off the minimap without adding any additional drawbacks — making it an excellent addition.

3 Rapid Fire 9mm PM

Fast Firing Pistol With Great Handling

Screenshot showcasing the best Rapid Fire 9mm PM build in Black Ops 6

9mm PM Attachments:

  • Suppressor (Muzzle)
  • Reinforced Barrel (Barrel)
  • Extended Mag II (Magazine)
  • Commando Grip (Rear Grip)
  • Rapid Fire (Fire Mods)

Next up is a build for the 9mm PM, which retains several key attachments from the previous Stryder .22 setup. The Rapid Fire Mod and the Reinforced Barrel return for this build, boosting the weapon’s fire rate while maintaining a high damage range and bullet velocity, enhancing the Handgun’s versatility across range. The Commando Grip also makes a comeback, offering faster aim-down-sight and sprint-to-fire speeds — perfect for players using a fast Marksman Rifle or another Primary weapon that benefits from a quick Secondary option.

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Where this build diverges is with the Extended Mag II. Since the 9mm PM has a smaller magazine than the Stryder .22, players might find themselves running out of ammo quickly when facing multiple opponents. Increasing the magazine size solves this problem, providing an effective option for handling various scenarios. Lastly, with an extra attachment slot available, adding a Suppressor brings an element of stealth to the loadout, making it a great consideration.

4 Rapid Fire GS45

Hard-Hitting Pistol With a Great TTK

Screenshot showcasing the best Rapid Fire GS45 build in Black Ops 6

GS45 Attachments:

  • Muzzle Brake (Muzzle)
  • Reinforced Barrel (Barrel)
  • Extended Mag I (Magazine)
  • Commando Grip (Rear Grip)
  • Rapid Fire (Fire Mods)

Continuing the trend of semi-automatic weapons is this build for the GS45. Given its slower fire rate compared to others in its category, Rapid Fire is essential, as it allows the GS45 to make better use of its more consistent three-shot kill, with the potential for a two-shot kill up close. Similarly, a Reinforced Barrel is a strong choice to maximize damage range and bullet velocity.

For the magazine slot, players should opt for the Extended Mag I. While Extended Mag II offers more ammunition, it also provides a greater reduction to handling attributes, unlike the version available for the Grekhova. To further enhance handling with improved aim-down-sight and sprint-to-fire speeds, the Commando Grip is highly effective. Lastly, finishing with the Muzzle Brake helps control the GS45’s vertical recoil, making it much more accurate beyond close-range.

5 Accurate Grekhova

High Accuracy Full-Auto Pistol With Improved Range

Screenshot showcasing the best accurate Grekhova build in Black Ops 6

Grekhova Attachments:

  • Compensator (Muzzle)
  • Long Barrel (Barrel)
  • Extended Mag II (Magazine)
  • Commando Grip (Rear Grip)
  • 9x18mm Makarov Overpressured (Fire Mods)

Finishing off this list is a final build for the Grekhova, this time tailored for accuracy, allowing players to aim down sights. The Compensator is the first recommended attachment, helping tone down the high vertical recoil players will experience. To maximize both damage range and bullet velocity, the Long Barrel paired with the 9x18mm Makarov Overpressured Mod is ideal, both outperforming the Reinforced Barrel alone. While some may consider the Rapid Fire Mod, the added recoil is generally not worth the trade-off for this setup.

Following the trend of previous builds, the Commando Grip is an excellent choice, boosting both sprint-to-fire and aim-down-sight speeds, making this a strong Sniper support option, especially for a LW3A1 Frostline loadout. Last but not least is the Extended Mag II, offering more ammunition with similar handling reductions as the first Extended Mag, only this time with a larger ammo capacity.

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October 25, 2024

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