What are the Dragon Age The Veilguard romance options? Half the fun of Dragon Age is deciding which character will be your latest beau. However, it’s not just a case of deciding which digital dolls you want to smush together in Bioware’s RPG (though, we’ll admit, it is a bit of that). Each Veilguard romance offers a new facet of love, adding variability to each playthrough.
You can strike up a romance with any of the seven Dragon Age The Veilguard companions you meet in the RPG game. Unlike previous installments, all companions are pansexual, meaning you can successfully proposition any of them in Dragon Age The Veilguard regardless of your Rook’s gender or sexuality. However, they aren’t strictly “playersexual.” Companions can become romantically aligned with each other if you decide not to pursue them, so don’t wait too long to choose your perfect love match; they might find their happily ever after elsewhere.
All Dragon Age The Veilguard romance options
Here are all the Veilguard romance options:
- Bellara
- Davrin
- Emmrich
- Harding
- Lucanis
- Neve
- Taash
Bellara is a bubbly, fast-talking Veil Jumper with a strong moral compass. She typically approves of morally good choices and is open to flirtation, though her shy and self-conscious nature means you should be prepared to take it slow. However, you can build approval by bringing her along during your exploits in Arlathan Forest and aiding her fellow Veil Jumpers along the way.
Bellara’s preferred gift is the Elven Frog Figurine, which you can purchase from the Veil Jumpers faction merchant in Arlathan Forest.
You can begin to pursue a romance with Bellara by speaking to her at the Lighthouse after the “Fire and Ice” main quest. Choose “It’s not, and I do like you” from the dialogue wheel when prompted. This will upgrade her bond level to Shy Crush, but it won’t lock you out of pursuing other romance options just yet.
To fully commit to a romance with Bellara, complete the “Unwanted Guests” main quest and “Hummingbird’s Lament” companion quest then speak to her again at the Lighthouse. Select “I’m sure” from the dialogue wheel to change her bond level to Sweet Romance.
Davrin is a stoic Grey Warden with a strong moral compass and an unlikely bond with a baby griffon. He approves of direct dialogue choices, though he also appreciates Rook’s support when training Assan. You can boost Davrin’s approval by letting him tag along to beat back the Blight in the Hossberg Wetlands.
Davrin’s preferred gift is the Display of Ancient Griffons, which you can purchase from the Grey Wardens faction merchant in Lavendel.
You can begin to pursue a romance with Davrin by speaking to him at the Lighthouse after “The Cauldron” main quest. Select “I like the thrill of the chase” to upgrade his bond level to Hot and Bothered.
To make your romance with Davrin official, embark on his “A Friend in Need” companion quest and select “I want to be with you” from the dialogue wheel when prompted. This will upgrade his bond level to Griffon Daddy – a fitting title for our long-suffering Grey Warden.
Emmrich is a dapper necromancer with a sensitive side. This Mourn Watcher is dedicated to the dead, so express an interest in his theology and remember to handle spirits, skeletons, and other variations of the dearly departed with grace. Bring him along during your descent into the Necropolis Halls for an easy boost to his approval.
Emmrich’s preferred gift is the Haunted Statuette, which you can purchase from the Mourn Watch faction merchant at the Necropolis.
You can begin to pursue a romance with Emmrich by speaking to hum at the Lighthouse after the “House of the Dead” companion quest. You can select either “I find you dashing,” “I didn’t expect your kindness,” or “I like your way with words” to boost his bond level to Death’s Call.
To secure a romance with Emmrich, begin his “Arrangements” companion quest and select “Never lonely” when prompted to take your shared infatuation to the next level.
Harding is the last remnant of the Inquisition, though her history with Solas can’t diminish her positive outlook. As one of the earliest Veilguard members, she’s open to flirtation, but Rook’s relationship with this dwarven scout is a bit of a slow burn. She also doesn’t have a faction available that you can readily assist; instead, you can bolster her approval by taking her into the Solas fight and keeping her in your party as much as possible. She also appreciates reassurance from Rook as she struggles with her newfound powers.
Harding’s preferred gift is the Hinterlands Oak, which you can purchase from the Black Emporium in Dock Town.
You can begin to pursue a romance with Harding by speaking to her at the Lighthouse before you embark on the “After the Storm” main quest. Select “Anything I can do to help?” from the dialogue wheel to express an interest and upgrade her bond level to Crush.
To fully commit to a romance with Harding, select “I won’t let it take you” during her “The Bond Rekindled” companion quest. This bumps her bond level to Smitten and ensures you both remain dedicated to one another for the rest of your playthrough.
If you decide not to pursue a romance with Harding, she will become romantically entangled with Taash instead.
Lucanis is Veilguard’s resident bad boy with a heart of gold. This self-professed mage killer is a secret softie, though he’s receptive to a Rook that’s sympathetic to his troubled past. You can also meet his approval by bringing him along during your dealings with the Antivan Crows.
The most impactful way to help or hinder your approval rating with Lucanis is making the choice between Treviso or Minrathous. Saving the latter not only causes Lucanis to temporarily leave the Veilguard, but it also locks you out of a relationship with him for the rest of your playthrough. Instead, you should choose Treviso if you’re looking to get serious with Lucanis, though this will come at the cost of your relationship with Neve.
Lucanis’ preferred gift is the Antivan Tea Set, which you can purchase from the Antivan Crows faction merchant in Treviso.
You can begin to pursue a romance with Lucanis by speaking to him at the Lighthouse after “The Cauldron” main quest. Select “I don’t mind” to swerve the conversation towards romance, then choose “I like messes” to boost his bond level to Flirting with Danger.
To embark on a full-fledged romance with Lucanis, speak to him following his “Inner Demons” companion quest and tell him “You’re sweet, you know” when prompted. This takes his bond level to Dancing with a Demon, though you’ll never usurp this mage killer’s first love: coffee.
If you decide not to pursue a romance with Lucanis, he will become romantically entangled with Neve instead.
Neve is a private investigator with a sarcastic streak and a strong sense of justice. Her quiet demeanor is undercut by her love of quick wit, and responding in kind meets with her approval. You can bump her approval further by choosing her over Harding ahead of the Solas fight, and bringing her with you during your dealings in Dock Town.
Like Lucanis, Neve’s approval rating is subject to the infamous choice between Treviso or Minrathous. Despite her conflict with the Tevinter Imperium, letting Minrathous fall tanks her approval rating, whereas saving it gives you a welcome boost – just be prepared for your relationship with Lucanis to take a hit.
Neve’s preferred gift is the Collected Evidence, which you can purchase from the Shadow Dragons faction merchant in Dock Town.
You can begin to pursue a romance with Neve by speaking to her after the “The Cobbled Swan Case” companion quest and “The Siege of Weisshaupt” main quest. Tell her “I want to be there for you” during your initial conversation, then speak to her again at the Lighthouse and select the “I like surprising you” option from the dialogue wheel.
To seal the deal on your romance with Neve, choose “I’m here. No matter what” during her “A Clear Mind” companion quest and take her bond level up to Falling Unexpectedly.
If you decide not to pursue a romance with Neve, she will become romantically entangled with Lucanis instead.
Taash is a qunari treasure hunter and consummate dragon slayer, so it should come as little surprise that they prefer a direct approach in conversation. Unlike the slow burn of Harding or Bellara, this Lord of Fortune promises a whirlwind romance in later chapters, and pursuing them is far less dependent on approval than their Veilguard peers.
Regardless, we recommend taking them with you on your travels up and down the Rivain Coast to get them to warm up to you quickly. Handle situations with aggression to meet their approval, but be sure to handle their personal matters with the sensitivity they deserve.
Taash’s preferred gift is the Priceless Ancient Trinkets, which you can purchase from the Lord of Fortune faction merchant in the Hall of Valor.
You can begin to pursue a romance with Taash by speaking to them at the Lighthouse after “The Siege of Weisshaupt” main quest. Select “I’m interested if you are” to kindle the spark between you and upgrade their bond level to In Taamlok.
To nurture that spark into a fiery romance, embark on the “A Little Dragon Hatches” companion quest and select “She cares for you. So do I.” This makes the two of you official, but does presage a daunting dinner date with Taash’s mother.
If you decide not to pursue a romance with Taash, they will become romantically entangled with Harding instead.
How does Dragon Age The Veilguard romance work?
Dragon Age Veilguard uses an approval system to measure an NPC’s affinity towards the player character. High approval is achieved by making decisions that match the ideals and values of your prospective partner.
Here’s how to romance a companion in Dragon Age Veilguard:
- Talk to them regularly in their room at the Lighthouse.
- Give them appropriate gifts.
- Always choose dialogue options with a heart symbol when they appear.
- Make choices in quests and conversation that align with their beliefs.
- Keep them in your party as much as possible.
The Veilguard’s approval rating calculations aren’t readily available without mods, but you can follow whether your actions meet your companion’s approval (or disapproval) in real time with pop-up notifications. You can also get a good impression of your suitor’s affinity towards you in conversation. If your would-be partner is acting cold towards you, it’s a safe bet you’re not getting anywhere with them romantically anytime soon. Conversely, a high approval rating will naturally lead to romance.
You can also gain easy bonus approval by showering your chosen companion with gifts tailored to their preference. However, the most significant approval gains are derived from their personal companion quests, leading to serious romance and higher forms of intimacy.
Unfortunately, polyamory is not viable in Veilguard. While you can engage in as much no-strings-attached flirting as you like, choosing to commit to a certain companion will revert the bond levels of all other companions to Friendly.
Equally, spurning a romantic partner by choosing the wrong dialogue options in the key moments mentioned above will lock you out of a potential romance with them for the rest of your playthrough.
Now that you’re up to speed on Dragon Age The Veilguard romance, check out the voice actors that lend their talents to our fantasy lovers. We’ve also got the Dragon Age The Veilguard classes and skills to refine your Rook and their company of platonic and not-so-platonic besties.
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