All Dragon Age The Veilguard High Dragon locations

All Dragon Age The Veilguard High Dragon locations
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Where are the High Dragons in Dragon Age The Veilguard? Rather than being bosses you can simply stumble upon while exploring, like the ones in Inquisition, these colossal beasties are all tied to quests around Thedas. Some are part of the main story, while others require a lot of work to find, let alone beat.

While Veilguard‘s High Dragons are all high-level and tough to take down. each fight has a very similar structure. Their damage level and elemental type differ, but the majority of the attacks remain the same no matter which one you’re facing. You need to defeat them all to unlock the Bringing Down the Sky trophy or achievement. Before you take them on, however, be sure to check out our recommended Veilguard builds.

All High Dragons in Dragon Age The Veilguard

Here is a full list of all eight High Dragons in Dragon Age The Veilguard:

  • Seartooth Vyrantis
  • Corius The Icetalon
  • Fangscorcher
  • Kataranda the Stormrider
  • Kaltenzahn
  • The Formless One
  • Mythal’s Retribution
  • Revenant Dragon

Lucanis and Rook talking after the dragon fight in Minrathous.

Seartooth Vyrantis or Corius The Icetalon

The first High Dragon is part of the main story, so you can’t miss it. When the elven gods’ dragons attack both Treviso and Minrathous, you will need to make a decision on which city to protect. You cannot save both, and each will lead to a fight against a different High Dragon.

If you help Neve and protect Minrathous, you will face Seartooth Vyrantis. Helping Lucanis and Treviso will see you facing off with Corius The Icetalon. The fact that you can’t defeat both means these fights aren’t required for the achievement, thankfully.

Rook fighting The Fangscorcher in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.


Likely the first optional High Dragon you’ll face in The Veilguard, the Fangscorcher fight is the culmination of, you guessed it, the Slaying The Fangscorcher Veilguard quest. Rather than being part of the story, it is the second quest in Taash’s companion quest line. To start this one, as well as the following two in this list of High Dragon locations, you simply need to speak to our friendly Dragon Slayer once she’s back at The Lighthouse following her introductory quest.

It’s a relatively simple fight, requiring you to avoid its fiery breath. Much like all dragon fights in the game, you should avoid facing it head-on and attack its legs from the side, focusing on weak points on its legs and attacking its stomach when you fill the stagger meter.

The start of the first with Kataranda the Stormrider, the high dragon, in Dragon Age The Veilguard.

Kataranda the Stormrider

You’ll face off against the second High Dragon during Taash’s companion quest after Slaying The Fangscorcher. Kataranda the Stormrider is both the name of the dragon and the quest itself. Simply stay to the side of the dragon, combining stagger-dealing attacks with your companion abilities.

The start of the fight between Rook and Kaltezahn in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.


The final High Dragon in Taash’s companion quest line is called Kaltenzahn, and you fight it in the Lair of the Dragon King quest. During this quest, you unlock the Sharkmouth section of the Rivain coast. As for the Kaltenzahn fight itself, this one takes place in a notably smaller arena. It is another fire-type dragon, so you’ll be familiar with most of its attacks by the time you reach it.

Rook facing The Formless One Dragon in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

The Formless One

The Formless One is the first High Dragon that doesn’t appear in a main quest or as part of Taash’s questline. Once you’ve unlocked the Necropolis Halls, head back there and speak to Myrna in the middle of the central hall, next to Vorgoth the merchant. She will inform you about some demons in a room nearby, which you’ll need to take down as part of a side quest called Restless Spirits. To open the door, you need to collect four wisps from around the main hall and bring them to a nearby door to activate a skeleton that will then clear the way.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll hear a mysterious voice coming from behind a door in that same room and receive the quest called Pinnacle of the Past. You’ll then read from a note that you need to defeat three Revenants around Thedas to unlock that door. Follow the objectives to the three locations, including a trip to Arlathan Forest, and take out the Revenants, each of which will take on a different form, so be prepared for some tricky fights. Each of these Revenants is known as The Formless One.

Then head to the Necropolis Halls and back to where you heard the mysterious voice to find a newly unlocked door. Inside, you’ll face The Formless One again. This time, he’ll be in the form of a High Dragon, and it’s the final fight of this quest.

Rook fighting Mythal's Retribution, a huge dragon, in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Mythal’s Retribution

The return of Mythal, this time in High Dragon form, is also the culmination of a series of quests. Early on in Dragon Age The Veilguard, you’re introduced to little blue wolf statues that show Solas’ memories when activated. There’s then a series of five side quests to complete to find the rest of the wolves. Most are in places around The Crossroads and are relatively short.

Once you’ve completed all five quests and found all five wolves, you can head back to The Lighthouse to watch the remainder of the memories. You can also do this one at a time as you find them. You’ll then be whisked off to the main fast travel point in the Crossroads, where you’ll speak to Morrigan, who explains that a new area has unlocked just off to the left. In there, you speak to Mythal about the memories you’ve seen and share your opinion on Solas. The conversation culminates in a fight, with Mythal taking the form of a High Dragon.

The revenant dragon getting ready to fight in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Revenant Dragon

The Revenant Dragon fight is not only the hardest of all boss fights in the game, with the High Dragon being level 50, but it’s also the most complicated to unlock. First of all, you need to defeat all Champions around Thedas. They’re bosses between level 25 and 40, with one in each major region. Rather than finding them during quests, they’re instead out in the open and hidden in large Blight Cysts you need to destroy to start the fight. Killing them will reward you with Champions Essence.

Once you have them all, you need to take them to doors locked by vines and a rune that you can find in various locations in The Crossroads. Opening those doors will start further boss fights against Revenants as part of a side quest called Heart of the Corruption, with three to undertake in total. Defeating each of these Revenants grants you one Revenant Essence.

Now, you need to take them to the start point in The Crossroads, where the initial fast travel beacon is. Head down the stairs to the right and head right again, where you’ll see another blocked vine door with three slots to place your Essence into. Doing so will then open the door and your path to the Revenant Dragon, the most formidable enemy in the game and the final High Dragon.

That’s everything there is to know about all the High Dragons and where to find them in Dragon Age The Veilguard. Once you’ve recruited all the Veilguard companions, you’ll have the best help you can get, but you’ll still need to be close to the max Veilguard level to handle the toughest fights.

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