Should you save Treviso or Minrathous in Dragon Age The Veilguard?

Should you save Treviso or Minrathous in Dragon Age The Veilguard?
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Should you save Treviso or Minrathous in Dragon Age: The Veilguard? In some ways, it’s an easy choice. Tevinter is a slaver empire, brimming with blood magic and vicious cultists, while Antiva is a Mediterranean dream come true.

Its canals sparkle in the moonlight, warm lanterns bathe everything in a homely orange glow, and, of course, Lucanis is from there, and he’s one of the Dragon Age The Veilguard‘s most popular romance choices. But, if you’re secretly wondering what would happen if you save Minrathous in the RPG game, here’s a rundown of everything you need to know. Be aware, however; there be spoilers ahead.

During the events of Dragon Age: The Veilguard Act 1, you’re faced with a choice: Ghilan’nain has let loose two blighted dragons, one for Treviso, and one for Minrathous. You’re forced to consider which of the major city states you’ll save, and which you’ll leave to face the dragon’s wrath. Your choice dictates how that region will look for the rest of the game, and will have a major impact on two of your Dragon Age: The Veilguard companions.

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Should you save Treviso or Minrathous in Dragon Age: The Veilguard?

First, let’s talk about what happens before you fight the dragon. Neve will attempt to convince you to join her in Minrathous, before setting off to face Ghilan’nain head-on. Lucanis, however, will push you to help him and his family in Treviso, then leaves you to make the decision for yourself.

If you choose to save Minrathous, you’re likely sacrificing your romance with Lucanis (and the cinematic is heartbreaking, trust me). Similarly, choosing Treviso will fracture your relationship with Neve. So, if you’re planning to romance the feisty detective or the Spite-ridden assassin, you’ll want to consider this decision wisely.

In terms of gameplay, however, whichever city you decide to save will remain as it is. The one you neglect, however, will become overrun by the new, eerie living Blight. The city will take catastrophic losses, and dialogue will change as a result.

There’s no definitive choice here: it purely depends on how you want to play the game. Consider your romance options wisely, as well as which city state you prefer, and go with those. Besting Ghilan’nain’s dragon is no easy feat, however, so make sure to peruse our list of all of Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s skills to ensure you’ve locked in the best build possible.

Should you save Treviso or Minrathous in Dragon Age The Veilguard: A Dragon Age: The Veilguard character stands with Bellara looking over Treviso, a Mediterranean inspired canal city

And that’s all you need to know when deciding to save Treviso or Minrathous in Dragon Age The Veilguard. Alternatively, if you want to know much longer you’re going to have to spend playing, we have the Dragon Age The Veilguard quest list right here. Likewise, you can find out how long Dragon Age The Veilguard is by reading our guide.

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