PlayStation CEOs Hideaki Nishino and Hermen Hulst Interview.

PlayStation CEOs Hideaki Nishino and Hermen Hulst Interview.
just_looken8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

” So we started working on PS5 Pro even before PS5 launches — it was another five-year project for us”

Five year project just to rely on a upscale tech pssr to get results instead of getting a cpu upgrade or put real pc parts in not to mention a sit down to get that price down unless there profit margins are very high.

” that’s the thing. So that’s where we designed the generation at this moment. We design everything with having one ahead in our mind. It’s not like we just make a next step and we don’t know about the two steps ahead. That’s not our way of working, because we need to make sure that the 10-year-old, generation cycle continues to be going as well.”

Wait wait did they admit to making base ps5 games worse so the customer has to get the pro version of a console to get better performance? that again is so apple nerf the base product to make the pro/higher version more appealing though this is software.

Make games get crap fps/graphics on purpose to sell you a pro console wow again new sony sucks.

Also 10 year cycle excuse me? 10 years no way this console can push games as is in 2030.

“But yes, we’ve had some layoffs. But it’s also important to realize that on the content side, PlayStation Studios is now a much bigger organization than when it started. It’s grown tremendously. And that is organic growth that our existing teams, I think, hired quite aggressively, as well as through M&A. So the organization, the employment is much greater now than it was, let’s say, for example, five years ago.”

Wow again so the teams that made all those ps1-ps4 exclusive games the ip’s that made PlayStation yeah that was the bad times but now with our dei filled teams and these port teams along with our new gaas teams that is the future?

PlayStation your ps5 few exclusive games like what 4 now? how about you realize the old way’s is why you have a job/position today.…

This song sums up ps5 situation perfectly…

Edit:Do not reply with xbox anything we all know that brand is the new sega this is all about the current playstation situation

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