Today is 31st October, which means one thing: It’s Halloween!
To honour the occasion, Google has come over all bewitching with a spooky little mini-game to help while away the time before we can shut down our computers and head out trick or treating.
The game itself pops you into the shoes, or paws, of a little witch cat in a space helmet, who needs to ward off a number of creepy evils by drawing spell runes with their wand. This is done with your mouse, and let me tell you, it is all quite engrossing and more than a tad tense.
I gave the game a whirl myself (I want to be thorough with my reporting, it has nothing to do with frivolous fun I promise…) and managed to get to the final level before my hearts were all depleted. My top score was 16000, which was better than Tom’s so I can sleep easy tonight knowing I am clearly The Best Gamer on the news team.
I do want to finish the final level, however, so I will go back again later to try again.
Anyway, if you want to give the game a go yourself, you can try it out here. Have fun!

For more creepy fun, our Katharine recently took one for the team, and checked out Toilet Spiders. You can read her thoughts here.
You can find the rest of our Halloween coverage here.
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