G2 App Developer notes

G2 App Developer notes
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Development Notes 1.0: G2 App

Ranking update: Will you become G2’s #1 fan?


Dear G2 Fans, we are taking you on a small tech journey. For the last two years, the G2 App has been a product we have been constantly analyzing and collecting feedback for so we could have a chance to deliver something you thoroughly appreciate, enjoy, and support.

In doing this overview, we realized that we are not really giving everyone an equal opportunity to become a top G2 fan on a monthly basis. We realized that this needs to change. That is why we want to share with  you today our ranking update.


The ranking leaderboard update – in details

We have decided to reset the leaderboard to 0. Additionally, there will be two rankings: monthly and yearly. The new system will start on the 1st of August for both monthly and yearly. 

Each month the top x in the monthly leaderboard will receive prizes. The same will be done on a yearly basis but the prizes will, of course, scale up. To give you a glimpse, the yearly rank #1 prize for the conclusion of the 2024/2025 season, is an all inclusive trip to an event of your favorite team!! 

The points changes

In the process of doing the ranking update we realized that we need to bring more clarity to our points system.  We needed to follow the “gamer’s way” and introduce a familiar system, so we decided to introduce, the one and only,  the ultimate:, XP (experience) system. 

TLDR; the points you are used to so far are still there. You still collect them by entering quests and purchasing items. You still use them to enter raffles and transfer them to discounts. But they are not going to put you on the leaderboard any longer. XP will. XP has been introduced as an additional layer that gives you experience for different types of activity in the app. You can see the full overview here.







Daily login reward

Enter quests

Purchase in the G2 shop

Activate discounts

Enter raffles

Daily login reward

Enter quests

Purchase in the G2 shop

Enter raffles

Connect NFT

Watch exclusive content

Buying subscriptions

And much more…

Determine ranking position

 We hope to see current and different names on the leaderboard soon! Good luck and have fun. Let the grind begin! 🙂 

If you want to share initial reactions, we have an open quest to gather feedback (this will also give you XP) 😉 

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