The nearly ten-year wait is over: today, Bioware and RPG fans finally have a new Dragon Age to sink their fangs into, and there’s so much to learn and discover in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. The first, and some might say most important, thing you’ll do is spend [a lot of] time crafting your main character “Rook” – we have thoughts on that! And then you’re off! But…
A lot has changed in a decade; or perhaps The Veilguard is your very first Dragon Age game. So what do you need to know? The Xbox Wire team has sunk scores of hours into the game leading up to launch, and compiled this spoiler-free list of things that will help you shake off the rust and get to grips with some of intricacies of Northern Thedas. Read on so that you can focus on finally going to Tevinter.
Wait, Tevinter? What’s that? Ah yes, it has been 10 long years since Dragon Age: Inquisition took up all our time. And if Dragon Age: The Veilguard marks your first time in this world, know that this is a great place to start. Still, it’s likely you’ll encounter some lingo that’ll leave you scratching your head: what is the Inquisition, and what were they inquiring? What’s the deal with blood magic? Are the Venatori somehow related to NFL kicking legend Adam Vinatieri? Fortunately, there’s a built-in Glossary that concisely tells you what to know so you can keep moving (well, apart from the NFL thing – some things should remain a mystery). Hit the view button (aka ‘the cheese slices’), then select Library > Glossary > Lore.
Indecisive? Temporary Decision Saves to the rescue: There are two types of players: those who abide by the principles of the old gods and deal with the consequences of their actions, and those who flip forward in the choose-your-own-adventure book to pick the ending that suits them. If you’re in the latter camp, Temporary Decision Saves are your best friend. As you make key decisions, the game automatically drops a new save on your drive. If you soon realize you’ve done a Terrible Thing, or just are curious what else may have been, reload and choose the other thing. Then go back and do it again.

Understand the Combo System: Harding, Neve, and the rest of your crew of companions may come out of the box ready to fight, but that doesn’t mean you can’t improve on their default setup; your companions have more abilities on offer than what you first see when they join Rook’s team. Head into the Skills section of the Companions menu and look beyond just pure damage numbers; some abilities will “Apply” conditions like Sundered, Weakened, or Overwhelmed, while others will have a complementary ability which “Detonates” those same effects for massive damage.
In battle, pressing the RB to bring up the Ability Wheel overlay will call out these compatible moves – an early example being Harding’s “Shred” ability and Neve’s “Icebreaker.” These can be game changers, so you’ll want to ensure that you’re pairing up these combo opportunities *before* you head out to battle. Remember: if your team’s loadout isn’t vibing, you can also re-Gather Your Party and shift their skills at any fast travel Beacon you come across.
Equip Your Teammates’ Healing Abilities. Your companions aren’t just there to fight at your side; they care. Several of Rook’s allies can equip a healing ability which you can trigger whenever you need to get out of a jam.These abilities cool down for re-use mid-battle, helping you survive tougher encounters while being more frugal with your limited potions. If staying alive is proving a challenge for you, keep an eye out at merchants for Companion equipment which can add additional potions to your inventory, or even revives if Rook falls in battle. Bonus tip: you can get another precious potion slot as a perk when you create your character by choosing the Antivan Crows faction.

Explore everywhere, loot everything. Dragon Age: The Veilguard may not be a full open –world game, but it doesn’t want for exploration. Take the time to explore, as you’ll find chests and materials in just about every nook and cranny on the map (and your map includes a handy counter of how many there are to find, so you don’t spend time fruitlessly searching). Some are cleverly hidden, or unlock via multi-step contraptions to open doors. That said, several optional areas will require companion specific abilities to move rocks, drop platforms, or otherwise clear your path, so you may want to gather your full squad before scouring every corner of Northern Thedas for goodies.
Dash Through Everything Destructible: Not every treasure is so well-hidden; indeed, there are riches in them crates! Well if not riches, some loose change and materials that add up over time. While it’s tempting to pull out the biggest weapon you can find and start machete-ing your way through crates and barrels like a high fantasy Lara Croft, the most efficient way to smash is with a quick lunge into that lumber. Single tap B and you’ll just barge right through with no big windup and quicker recovery than swinging a weapon. You’ll be surprised at how much you can amass.

Thank me later: Adjust Your Camera Sensitivity. As you get used to peering around every corner for loot, swinging your camera to and fro, do it like a pro: to make the game feel as crisp as it looks, turn that camera sensitivity up—way up. I found that setting the horizontal sensitivity to 200 felt just right for me, but you can go all the way up to 350 if you prefer a speedier pan and scan.
How do Gear Upgrades work? While you’ll be selling many of those bits and bobs you collect, which show up “Valuable Items” in your inventory, gear and armor is something you’ll only buy or find, never sell. Why are you hanging on to a veritable armory in your backpack? Well, apart from the fact that you’ll want a variety of elemental effects to take on different kinds of enemies, it’s also because acquiring the same piece of equipment again upgrades it, increasing its rarity, leveling up its core stats and unlocking valuable enhancements which were locked off when you first acquired the vanilla version of the item. What first appears to be junk may, after tiering up and a few visits to the Lighthouse’s Caretaker forge, may end up being part of your go-to loadout.
Prioritize statues whenever you see one: there are two kinds of statues you’ll find throughout your journeys: a lupine Dreadwolf sculpture, and a taller Evanuris type. Interact with the Dreadwolf statue and it will rotate into a direction – just explore where it’s pointing to find a small, blue wolf statuette that will instantly grant you a valuable skill point. Interacting with an Evanuris monument will see it project beams of light in various directions, each leading to a spinning metallic… thing. Shoot them all down to increase your max health by 100 – permanently. Some of these are a bit tricky to find, but when they pop up on your map, drop everything and knock them out.

Buy Mementos and Stat Boosts: In the various shops and stalls you find in towns such as Treviso and Minrathous, merchants will often be selling Mementos. These add points to a counter that lets you unlock upgrades back at the Caretaker’s forge in the Lighthouse, so it’s worthwhile to buy every one of them you can afford. Additionally, you can buy items that permanently increase your Rook’s stats for a few hundred coins. No need to equip them; just spend your way to fitness. If only that was an option IRL.
As a fellow adventurer, we hope you take these tips to heart; you’ll be well-prepared to navigate the twists and turns of Northern Thedas, make the most of your companions’ abilities, and uncover all the hidden treasures the game has to offer.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard is out now.
Dragon Age™: The Veilguard
Electronic Arts
Pre-order* to receive the Blood Dragon armor cosmetic for all three classes: Warrior, Mage, and Rogue. A throwback to previous Dragon Age games, the crimson stains on this armor will never fade.
Enter the world of Thedas, a vibrant land of rugged wilderness, treacherous labyrinths, and glittering cities – steeped in conflict and secret magics. Now, a pair of corrupt ancient gods have broken free from centuries of darkness and are hellbent on destroying the world.
Thedas needs someone they can count on. Rise as Rook, Dragon Age’s newest hero. Be who you want to be and play how you want to play as you fight to stop the gods from blighting the world. But you can’t do this alone – the odds are stacked against you. Lead a team of seven companions, each with their own rich story to discover and shape, and together you will become The Veilguard.
Unite the Veilguard and defy the gods in Dragon Age™: The Veilguard, an immersive single player RPG where you become the leader others believe in.
Enter Thedas, a vibrant world of rugged wilderness, treacherous labyrinths and glittering cities. The world is teetering on a knife’s edge while corrupt gods unleash havoc across the continent. Nations war and factions splinter. Who will you trust? From the Arlathan Forest to the back alleys of Minrathous, this is a broken world. Your actions will affect the fate of Thedas forever.
Unite a team of seven companions, each with rich lives and deep backstories. These are characters to befriend, and even fall in love with. Among them, an assassin, a necromancer, a detective, each and all bringing their own expertise and unique abilities to the fight. You are never alone, decide who to take into battle and together face down demons, dragons and corrupt gods.
Select from different races and combat classes, customize your appearance, choose your character’s backstory and begin your journey as Rook, Dragon Age’s newest hero. The choice is yours. On your adventures, you’ll gain new abilities and discover unique, powerful artifacts to enhance your own combat style. Brace yourself, there are tough decisions to be made, allies to inspire, and a fight that needs every sword, staff and bow you can muster.
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*Conditions & restrictions apply. See for details.
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