As the Vatican unveils its bizarre new anime girl mascot, we have to ask: is this not a Cardinal sin?

As the Vatican unveils its bizarre new anime girl mascot, we have to ask: is this not a Cardinal sin?
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This just in in sentences I never once thought I’d write in my life: the Vatican has introduced the world to its anime girl mascot.

No, don’t worry, you’re not losing it, you read that right! The Vatican has an anime girl mascot. Revealed yesterday, as reported by Catholic News Agency, Luce is a girl that wears a yellow raincoat, and has big ole blue eyes you see in anime everywhere, accompanied by blue hair too. Her name means light in Italian, and apparently her existence is to help engage a younger audience – Archbishop Fisichella explained that the mascot was inspired by the Church’s desire “to live even within the pop culture so beloved by our youth.” I mean hey, anime really is the popular thing these days, so you can’t say the Church doesn’t know where to look when it comes to finding things to get kids excited about religion.

Luce was designed by Simone Legno, the Italian co-founder of the heavily Japan-inspired pop culture brand tokidoki, whose art you’ve probably seen around the place on bags or stickers and the like. Legno didn’t just make one mascot either, Luce has a bunch of friends like Fe, Xin, and Sky, all which have their own colourful jackets. Luce’s whole deal is that she’s hoping to guide young pilgrims towards hope and faith with her dog Santino, hence her little walking stick. Legno said he hopes “Luce can represent the sentiments that resonate in the hearts of the younger generations.”

The whole thing is wonderfully odd, but who knows if it’ll actually work. I mean, there’s plenty of religious symbolism in anime, just look at Neon Genesis Evangelion (a series that probably isn’t the best example because all the cross imagery is technically a reference to Ultrama rather than Christianity). Also, seriously, does this count as a sin? Maybe gluttony for somewhat encouraging consumerism in relation to anime figures etc.? In any case, I’m just counting down the seconds to see someone say Luce is best girl.

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