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friendly reminder that rank and level not...

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friendly reminder that rank and level not always means better

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Comments (9)

  1. Subway_Surf69

    For some reason in BR kills barely effect the amount of points you get for a game and surviving is 95% of what matters when you’re going for legend in br
    The problem with this is that even if you’re very bad at the game you can simply hide in houses until it’s top 10 or so and get 0 kill (or maybe a couple bot kills) and you gain a lot of xp while someone who landed with 7 other teams in the same location and got 20 kills before dying losses a lot of rank xp

  2. OverallBug1555

    I’m assuming this is BR Blitz node,

    Legendary vs Grandmaster doesn’t mean much, what matters more is how many past Legendaries someone has had.

    Then modes like Blitz or Sniper Challenge especially, your killcount is highly dependent on where the bots end up stacking in the match,

    Like, if someone happened upon a few groups of bots battling it out, they can get a bunch of killcount right there.

    Sniper Challenge last week, I had matches with 30 something kills,

    And then I had matches with 2 kills,

    If you can’t find ’em, you can’t find ’em.

  3. LitStoic

    Not everyday you are a killing machine. There are days and there are days. Same with teammates.

  4. MtDewMitch

    2 ranks and only 27 levels is actually pretty close, not sure anyone was underestimating lol. BR can be randomly cruel and either you run into cracked squads or all bots, just to either get killed or get a bunch of kills. Either way, great to keep up when you can.

  5. GameBredMan

    12 kills mostly bots.

  6. aijeityu

    I mean, reaching legendary is not truly an achievement.

  7. Agreeable_Tie345

    There is no way this is not fake💀

  8. AffectionateBus981

    I reached legendary by camping in all games It’s easy but time consuming

  9. Profile-666

    Friendly reminder that me kills does not actually mean better br player. Because the people who survive the longest are people who don’t ruch, and the people who rush generally get more kills. Yeah but that person with just 1 kill… yea that’s a little too low for legendary. But come on, maybe they were giving you a chance? Idk it’s all assumptions

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