It probably hasn’t escaped your notice that Sony released a new console last month – and we’re delighted to have not one, not two, not four, but three PlayStation Vitas to give away courtesy of Tecmo Koei.
The three winners will each walk away with one of Sony’s brand new handheld consoles (the wi-fi only model) as well as copies of Dynasty Warriors Next and Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus.
Dynasty Warriors Next is the latest handheld version of the long running series: “Far from being a straight-up Dynasty Warriors 7: Takeaway Edition with no distinguishing qualities besides portability, Next takes inspiration from the wider series while playing to the strengths of the new handheld,” wrote Matt Edwards in our Dynasty Warriors Next review.
Meanwhile, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus is a port of the PlayStation 3 title, itself a remastered version of the original Xbox game. Once again, EG’s beat-’em-up expert Matt Edwards took to the internet to write: “it’s easy to shortlist Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus as one of the most compelling purchases on the fledgling system.” Check out our Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus review for more.
We’ve split the prizes into three, with bundle one up for grabs from today. On Thursday at 10am, there’ll be another chance to win a new question will go live. Then the same again on Friday at 10am. We’ll contact the winners directly.
This all makes sense, right? You can enter to win each set of prizes, so make sure you come back on Thursday and Friday to maximise your chances.
Question 3: What was the Vita’s codename?
Next Generation Portable PlayStation Handheld 2Kaz Hirai’s Magic Box Friday, 23rd March
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